#RiotGrams Day 10. A book + a mug! While not exactly a mug, I'm at work so we work with what we got!!
#RiotGrams Day 10. A book + a mug! While not exactly a mug, I'm at work so we work with what we got!!
Finished the first story about a couple going to their neighbor‘s daughter‘s exorcism and I can‘t even y‘all. I want to read everything he‘s ever written. His grocery list even!! If you like horror or the weird or science fiction...read him! #canteven #horror #everydayexorcism #theweird
Seems wrong to review a book only 3 stories in but even if the rest are awful - still worth it! Also highly unlikely! Ford is reminiscent of Stephen King at his very very best short story-wise. So unsettling and original and weird and chilling and funny and just read it already okay?
The housemate had a birthday recently and her sister gave her this book. It was one I'd had on my wish list for a long time, but deleted because I couldn't recall why I wanted it. She talked about how much she liked it even though she found it unsettling. I took that as a rec and started reading, and liked it so much that I looked for more by Ford. Tonight I found book of his stories on my shelf. I'm wondering if this means something.
These weren't the horror stories I thought they would be, but there's so much more to them. Rich details leave you with a fully realized world in each short story. Even the ones that I initially thought I'd dislike, I found myself racing to finish.
Read three stories so far. So far, they are the right size for a short story and they aren't straightforward horror. I am avoiding spoilers as some state what each story is about, but it is more fun figuring it out. One might call it creative horror.
There were times during the journey when Talejui would completely forget where he was going and be taken up by the beauty of the landscape and the sounds of the birds that filled the forest to either side of the path. #allhallowsread
"What's wrong sir?" "I shat a populace" ?? I guess that's one way to manufacture faeries
In a bit of a slump, I cannot seem to focus on any one book right now. So I am switching it up to short stories and knocking one off my TBR list
My @bookriot pick for book of the week! A twisted and delightful mix of stories combining horror, history, science fiction and folklore – there‘s a little something for everyone! These thirteen meticulously-crafted tales will shock and amuse you. You don‘t need Halloween for scary stories – treat yourself now!
A twisted and delightful mix of stories combining horror, history, science fiction and folklore – there‘s a little something for everyone! These thirteen meticulously-crafted tales will shock and amuse you. You don‘t need Halloween for scary stories – treat yourself now!
Sunday book mail - yes! My first GoodReads giveaway- double yes! Came with a brochure for other Small Beer Press books (including a new M. Rickert collection) - triple yes!