I think Elizabeth is generally laughing at you, not with you. 😆😂
#laughter #200PnPcovers
I think Elizabeth is generally laughing at you, not with you. 😆😂
#laughter #200PnPcovers
A gown with an #empirewaist , waiting to be embellished by colored pencil and maybe a smidge of metallic gel pen.
If you have to wait in a car for someone as I do weekly ... highly recommend coloring Jane Austin-themed pages while listening to 'Hamilton'!
"How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a good book! When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library." -- Miss Bingley, Pride and Prejudice
I went to Target for paper towels and lip balm, and ended up with this. 😅
Love the pages this the quotes, but not the ones with people.
Got my new Jane Austen coloring book!