Happy day - tea and reading.
Had trouble choosing between a pick and a so-so. This is your typical boy meets girl out of his league but she's tired of the social roles she plays anyway type stories, but make one of them trans. The characters are fun and their exploration of themselves is typical but rewarding. I was a little surprised that one character never has a learning moment about how trans people don't owe you a sex reveal, though. #LGBTQ #HighSchool #Sports #Romance
I really enjoyed this! I loved the MCs and there was a nod to The Outsiders (one of my all-time favorite books), which I really loved. It does touch on some deep issues and there are some TWs.
Just finished this wonderful audiobook for #ChallengingDamsels non-binary or trans author category. Also read it for Texas for #ReadTheStates. I love it when a book fits two challenges.
#audiobook #ya #cloudLibrary #lgbtqia
Seen on today‘s walk.
#audiobook #audiowalks #audioexercise #walkersoflitsy #cloudlibrary
It's a beautiful night.
#cloudlibrary #walkersoflitsy #audiobooks #audiowalkers #audioexercise
I was hoping this would be great (own voices are so important and there‘s decidedly too few transgender ones), but it just let me down hard. The characters talk like someone who‘s seen three TikToks would think teens talk, and there‘s virtually no character development until the last twenty pages where everything is very quickly resolved for the sake of a happy ending. I think the story could be a cute movie, but it lacks a lot of depth as is.
A bittersweet and heartbreaking book, and the ending made me cry and I never cry at books. My heart hurts for Pony and other LGBTQIA people/persons ♥️ Read for the #Buzzwordathon February challenge - colour 4/5
This was a really great book. I absolutely fell in love with Pony (not really based off The Outsiders. The title is misleading) and all of the other characters. They were all so lovable and that‘s really all it takes for me to fall in love with a book. My only complaint is that the dialogue and inner dialogue read like an adult trying to sound like a teen. A few too many OMGs, TMIs, etc.
#ya #romance
**slight spoilers in the part about what I and issues with.**
Actual rating: 3.75
⭐️Even though it seems like I had a lot of issues, I still really really liked this book and will definitely be recommending it!⭐️
This started off really cute and lighthearted but it definitely gets more serious and has some potential triggers including transphobia, homophobia, sexual assault, and mentions of suicide.
#currentlyreading I think my reading slump is over for now 🤗 so far this is quite good! I enjoy both povs and the characters are interesting and already well rounded but the main issues I‘m having is the misogyny; there‘s weird talk about cheerleaders and thinking they can‘t also be complex people. 🙄
I‘m torn on this review. On the one hand, we need more #ownvoices lit and I want to amplify and promote stories from the trans community. On the other hand, as a novel, this was very amateurish. Undeveloped subplots, one dimensional characters, choppy writing, eye roll-inducing repetition. I‘m glad to read this author‘s truth, but not everyone with an important story to tell is a great writer.
In honor of Independent Bookstore Day, I ventured out briefly earlier today to @AaronsBooksLititz and brought back this lovely stack. I like how they‘re all in such different genres, and I‘m really psyched about all of them. I changed my #bookspin list for September to include them! I‘m really hoping my favorite indie and all the amazing local stores out there can ride out this storm. 💗 They serve such an important function in our community.
Finished my audiobook and onto another! Just started “Stay Gold,” a coming-of-age love story about a trans boy going stealth at his new school and a cis cheerleader who has sworn off dating. Having a lot of fun with these characters and alternating POVs!
A ya story about a trans teen. He switches to a new school, gets a crush, and has to deal with parents who aren‘t always the most supportive.
First of all, let me say, I love books that provide a positive LGBTQIA+ representation. We need to see more and more and more of this with no end. For this, I say congratulations. While I appreciate this positive look at the transgender community, I found the book lacking in originality, reminding me of a watered down, If I Was Your Girl. None the less, bring on more representation of all lives.