If I could describe this book in one word, that word would be, “hopeful.“
If I could describe this book in one word, that word would be, “hopeful.“
Teenage angst, brooding male, and an orphaned damsel with a secret about herself she doesn't know, check off all the items in this vampire romance. There were a few too many AF acronyms, but none the less, it is perfect for those did get enough of vampires and wolves in Twilight; added bonus - there are dragons.
I am not sure I am adequately ready to review a book that ends an era of one of my favorite series. Ember in the Ashes has never disappointed, not with one book. Sabaa Tahir successfully breaks my heart and puts it back together in the course of each book, and this one is no different, actually it is. She does it even better.
This is a cute book, good for middle school and early young adult. Prudence is granted the ability to issue instant karma after waking up from a blow to the head. While it works with almost everyone, it does not with charmer, and love/hate interest, Quint. There isn't really anything new here and the plot twist is spoiled early on, leaving me just waiting for the obvious shoe to drop.
WOW! Colleen Hoover, you are an auto buy for me. I am never sure where your stories will twist to but I am always hooked to the very end, afraid at times to read the next page. Will she kill my favorite character? Will she make me hate a character I love or love the one I hate? Colleen has dipped her two into the world of the paranormal and with that she can swim freely.
This is a fantasy with a King Arthur spin that deals with racism, gender identity, magic, folklore, mythology, emotional wellness, and intergenerational trauma. If you think that is ambitious for one book, I would agree. While it has a good storyline, it was difficult to feel any one storyline really was completely addressed, leaving me wanting at times. However, the eager representation for inclusion is clear and makes it readworthy.
While I love to read books by Colleen Hoover, I am always a little nervous reading her books. She is never afraid to destroy her readers with her characters. Samson and Beyah or no different. Read with caution; it will break your heart.
You know you have a good book on your hands and you are wanting more when you read the last page...and then again when you look to see if it is a standalone or there will be more. While this book wasn't perfect for me, it pulled me in to feeling real affection for its main characters, rooting for Henry, understanding Addie and, other feelings toward Luc.
Welcome back to the library and the world where the written page comes alive...literally. Nice to see you Hero.
I can only sum up this book with I love this book and its quirky, crazy, entirely endearing characters.
This middle grade book is relevant and important for our kids in so many ways. It is socially accepting and open and invites others to better understand others and their own voices. The relationship between Rick and his grandfather is special and helps to guide the story in a positive and loving direction.
Well, it had to happen at some point. I just didn't like this one like the others with the egregious violence and the cloying personalities from those like the Charmer who kills for humor, and yet weren't funny themselves. This one just didn't do what the others did and I found the new characters more irritating than interesting...all but Armo, he can stay.
I went back and forth from So-So to Pan. It wasn't that the book was bad but more that it was so predictable that it providing nothing interesting. I almost stopped a few times, and I never DNF a book, but I really could have and still know exactly what happened in the book with not one surprise. Those books for me are the worst.
This is my favorite of the Gone series so far. I like how the author basically threw out the rules and brought in new characters to disrupt the narrative. Lots of new going one her with lots of new characters. I am looking forward to seeing more of this and love how the author throws the reader off balance all over this book!
A bold and ambitious debut for Aiden Thomas with a transgender, gay, Lantinx that accidentally summons a ghost that won‘t go away. Both Yadriel and Julian are likable and three dimensional with an interesting story to tell.
This was a surprise. I was perusing audiobooks in audible as a part of their plus program and this showed up. The ability to bring back a dead loved one on your 18th birthday is a compelling premiss, and I was hooked. While there were some parts I saw coming and were predictable, it was an engaging and original idea and there were other parts I definitely didn‘t see coming.
I am not exactly sure how the title really fits in with the books, however, the cover is gorgeous and the story is entertaining.
This is a fun, original fast paced book that checks the box on many genres, dystopic, sci fi, and fantasy. In this story, people and things aren't always as they seem and the main character, Andra has to piece out what is real after being asleep for 1,000 years.
I have been waiting for 3 years for this book and it did not disappoint! I was angry, happy, frustrated and satisfied...all qualities of a good book. Thrust and Nemisis are a frustratingly compelling and complex couple. I am glad to have a final conclusion on this story.
This is s teen mystery where there isn‘t really anything new to offer. It does have news reports, different view points, and tweets which all provide an interesting read, making it fun, but not groundbreaking.
I liked this book, the characters, the story, it was all there. However, I am confused by the age group it recommends. It is listed as adult but honestly it feel more middle grade. I am not sure what I am missing that lands it in an adult category and makes the book a bit problematic, but a cute story non the less.
With all the buzz around this book, I think my expectations might have been too high.
While I love this world so carefully crafted by the author, I did miss Gideon's bawdy, sassy, crass presence which was fully of humor, violence and wit. No one can quite compare with Gideon. I found myself thirsty for the witty banter and drank of it greedily as it was sprinkled lightly in book 2. Harrow is interesting in her own right, but no one can compare to Gideon.
On the plus side it read easily like watching an episode of The Bachelor. On the negative, it‘s like watching an episode of The Bachelor.
Upon my second reading of The Diabolic and The Empress I in preparation for release of The Nemesis later this month I am only more creeped out by these books...in a good way.
I reread this in anticipation for The Nemesis releasing Tuesday. After years, I can't wait!
This is a cute rom-com with an easy flow to it. There is nothing surprising here and it is nice to have a likable male character. I like the story and most of the characters but I just can't seem to root for Laurie. While Laurie is easy going, she is also not really all that likable, not UNlikable, but I kept thinking, Jamie could do better.
This book settled firmly into the, “ok yes I do like this book” about half way through.
Yep, Katherine Center did it again. She is officially, and despite myself, an auto buy author. I think I like her sister the best. Maybe we will get more of her story?
I have a soft spot in my heart for quirky. With Jubilee and her rare allergy to human contact and Aja convinced he can muster telekinesis, quirky is easily found.
Both covers are ❤️💙❤️💙. Maia and Edan are a satisfying fantasy and love story.
Because I had received recommendations before to read Natasha Preston, I was looking forward to adding this author to my must read list. Unfortunately, this book did the opposite for me. The Twin was far too predictable with characters that are obvious and one dimensional. There was no point in which I was surprised or didn't see what was coming next. Sadly, this book was far too disappointing to give this author another try.
This book shows how loves is messy and complicated. I really liked this book because while it was that, it also was somewhat of a mystery. Mia dreams of a man she has never met, and this stranger, who doesn't feel like a stranger, has been dreaming of her too. I didn't guess where their fate would take them and just let the story unfold.
This is my second book by Katherine Center and I enjoyed it as much as Wish You Were Here. Her books are so full of hope, not liking them would be like kicking puppies.
Despite myself, I loved this book and highly recommend it as a feel good, school librarians rock, Hallmark, learn to love, trust and all will work out book. It was just what I needed...I think I need another one.
I can't quite get a handle on why this book is just so-so for me. I liked it well enough. Perhaps it is its predictability?
Cute and fun, albeit predictable. I love Leah's confidence about who she is, and Simon is Simon, as always.
It is nice to see humor akin to Monty Python is alive and well and living in the works of these three authors. My Calamity Jane is another fun parody, this time based on famous stories of the Wild West with a bit of a werewolf twist.
I always appreciate the effort it takes for an author to exposed themselves and dig into uncomfortable territory. A death in the family, physical violence, survivor‘s guilt, and physical and emotional scarring are all taken on in this book. It was a bit slow moving and not entirely engaging, but the writer‘s effort in conveying her story is commendable.
loved it. Coming in after the apocolyptic saving of the world, 10 years later, coming in at the middle of the story...brilliant!
Pema is an expert in the field and while it felt a bit self helpy, it hits many of the right yoga notes.
I read Storm and Fury and Rage and Ruin and after discovered there is an earlier series which tells Roth and Layla‘s story...so that‘s how I got here. Roth is a character I definitely want to learn more about and this was a great introduction. Now I might have to go back for a reread.
I struggle with this one. I like time travel books and when done well, they make the story. The main characters are interesting and I especially was drawn to Bandit. However, the story just had to many flaws to forgive, and that sometimes is the problem when a time travel story doesn‘t work. Too many bad assumptions are made making it inevitably a story that just didn‘t work for me.
This book is exactly why I love Jennifer Armentrout‘s books. If you were ever a Sarah J. Maas fan, ever going to be or currently are, this is for you. All of the characters, all.of.them are written at her best, perfectly flawed, snarky, strong, vulnerable, hilarious, inventive, and three dimensional. The only thing I don‘t like is I have to wait for the next book.
"I am Ana, I was the wife of Jesus." With these words, I knew I would read this book. Well written and researched, the notion of Jesus having a wife (who is the sister of Judas no less) is interesting to consider, reflecting more deeply upon the many women touched upon in the Bible. It is a look at women's rights before feminism was named. This is her story.
A cute, albeit predictable Pride and Prejudice retelling. Nothing too new here but if you are an Emma Austen fan, this will fit the bill.