Okaaaaay wow, JD Barker is officially my all time favourite author. This book was brilliant and so well written. If you like mysteries and thrillers than this is for you! Also check out his 4mk series 🤯
Okaaaaay wow, JD Barker is officially my all time favourite author. This book was brilliant and so well written. If you like mysteries and thrillers than this is for you! Also check out his 4mk series 🤯
"A moment can be an eternity, if we let it."
Woo wee! I finally finished... again. If you've never read a J.D. Barker novel, you're missing out. This one is definitely like no other. I highly recommend. #Scarlathon2020 #TeamHarkness #cyoreadathon +246 for this one.
Now... I'm crashing! 😴
Man oh man I forgot how loooooong this book is. I'm getting there though. Getting some solid time in for the #cyoreadathon though. Go #TeamHarkness #Scarlathon2020
Started this one this morning for #scarlathon2020 for #teamharkness. This is a re-read for me. I thought I would check it out on audio format. I love J.D. Barker, his work is impressive.
Cardigan #crochet project done!! 🥳❤ And I have enough yarn at home to make another one in all black. 🤗 #selfisolating #stayinghome
I wasn't in that much of a reading mood this month but still got a few in.
Favourite: She Has A Broken Thing Where Her Heart Should Be (like there was any question there 😂)
Least Favourite: The Killing Dance
I swear, this man could write a menu and I would rate it 5 stars!
This one is quite a bit different and a slower pace than his previous books but it is just as compelling and hard to put down...even at it's 700ish pages!
Spanning many years, this is a love story, a thriller and a paranormal mind fuck all in one.
Another big win from Barker's twisted mind
#netgalley #arc #autobuyauthor
It's #selfcare night. After the stress of the holidays, being sick and just plain life and work taking it's toll....it's high time to get back into the care routine and put myself first now and then. An hour in the tub with a bath bomb and an amazing books does wonders! And this book.....freaking amazing!
#arc #netgalley #bookandbath #destress
Just one thing. If you like thrillers go buy this book and read it!!! You won't regret it!! Fabulous! Great Character Development!
I didn't even check to see what this is about. I just clicked. 😱😱
I can not wait to see what Barker has in store for this next book!
#autobuyauthor #arc #netgalley