One of my favorite McCall Smith series. #WithaWeatherWord #TemptingTitles
One of my favorite McCall Smith series. #WithaWeatherWord #TemptingTitles
🌺 Louise Penny, I think she‘d be fun!
🌹 Tagged book. I needed something quiet. I‘ve read a lot of mystery/thrillers lately. Plus it counts towards #SeriesLove2023
🌺 From the cover “Delicious mental comfort food”
Play along, Littens. #wondrouswednesday
Another in the Isabel Dalhousie series. Enjoyed this one especially because it moves along the relationships between some of the characters. Wish it might have had a little more about this, but overall I‘m excited to continue the series!
Working on a project to scan all the books in my house that I haven't read yet into my LibraryThing app. I have one big bookshelf to go and I'm up to 155. Not so bad. I thought I had at least 500 unread books. Time to shop!
This series is growing on me more and more. Isabel has lost some of her snobbiness and replaced it with a cute kind of cluelessness when it comes to questions of the heart.
Day 2 #weather #aprilbookshowers I love the title of this book. And I cried rain over the other book, which I've posted about before.
Book Buyers Anonymous: 0 days since last shopping trip.... But: 32 bucks for the whole box... can't beat a library sale!!!