Did some outdoor reading with my inquisitive wee dog. This book is a lot of fun so far with its humour, horror, and ever-shifting character dynamics. I‘m pretty sure I‘ll need the sequel ASAP.
Did some outdoor reading with my inquisitive wee dog. This book is a lot of fun so far with its humour, horror, and ever-shifting character dynamics. I‘m pretty sure I‘ll need the sequel ASAP.
Horror/speculative fiction with a big dash of humour that makes it whimsical & fun. Two young people—one brown, one white—scramble from Canada to Morocco to the Middle East to save the world from Ancient Bastards. Fortunately, one of them is a genius who has been preparing for this by teaching herself ancient Akkadian, Sumerian & Babylonian. Her abilities have a believable explanation, which is part of why this book is so good. #canadianauthor
I‘d lost my appetite in the heat but made myself eat a couple of dates, startled by their rich sweetness. I‘d never eaten one before, and wanted to nudge Johnny and be like, “Look, I‘m on my first date,” but she didn‘t look like she was in the mood.
“We are not travelling with a gun,” I said. “Especially a stolen cop gun.”
“But what if we need it?” She fished one out anyway and—I assumed, having never seen it done in real life—put the safety on, then tucked it into the waistband of her khakis, where it promptly tried to pants her, exposing penguin-print panties that I looked away from in horror, too late. The fate of the world rested on someone in novelty underwear.
And something always goes wrong, because the gods are finicky fuckers, they‘re like my Aunt Edna on meth, they scream when you move the doily on the coffee table.
(Internet image of a finicky fucker)
For fuck‘s sake, me thinking it was an alien or a yeti or some weirdo genetic splice. Our government couldn‘t even get running water on reservations, there was no way it could clone a bear with a snake. If anything, aliens were more likely than some garbage animal cooked up in a government lab.
Hanging out with my latest project (a sheet dyed in medicinal herbs) and starting a new book. Feeling good.
If you‘re bored tonight, I‘ve got an hour long, silly and fun author event that talks about sci-if and real science.
Today at 7pm PST/9PM CST! Join Premee Mohamed discussing and I discussing THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT & BENEATH THE RISING. Event info -> https://buff.ly/3mtlB2N to join -> https://buff.ly/3fVh3Qg