Here‘s my review for a book I finished on Friday night.
Still reading Chapter 11 in this book. I have 1 hour and 59 minutes left in this chapter. It‘s 3:41 AM now so I‘m stopping for tonight. I think this is a good stopping point. I got further in this chapter than I did yesterday.
I finished Chapter 10 today. Chapter 10 was 2 hours long. I started Chapter 11 and this chapter is 3 hours long.
I‘m still reading this book. I started reading Chapter 10 today. It‘s going to take me awhile to finish this chapter because it‘s 2 hours. Chapter 11 is also really long. Chapter 11 is 3 hours so it‘s going to take me awhile to listen to the next chapter too.
I just started the next book in The Program series. I‘ve read the first 5 chapters and I‘m not feeling emotionally invested in this story yet. I didn‘t know that this was a prequel to this series. This is not following any characters that I‘ve read about already but I‘m going to keep going with this book and see what happens. Before I started this book, I was thinking that I was going to read about Sloane, James and Realm again.
#remedy #redroseseptember
Little Boots and Gary collaborated a few years ago and I never miss the chance for a pic of Gary 😁
This book was amazing!!!! I loved the love story behind it. Quinn and Deacon are inseparable couple. They inspired me through this whole book. They been through alot as a couple. Quinn pretended that she a girl that passed on to comfort catalina's family and her boyfriend.
I finished this ebook at work today. The first two books in The Program series were good. But this one just tore at my heart! Plus, a truely shocking ending. Will have to read the next one.
Haven't been around for a while now is everyone? What are you reading?
Right now I'm reaching The Remedy by Suzanne Young
Alrighty so this book is a prequel, and the conflict and structure is, I think, way more engaging than the actual series which is The Program and The Treatment. Like give this book a shot honestly, it might surprise you!
5 stars - Three Thoughts 1)WHAT THE HECK DID INKUST READ AND WHY DIDNT I READ IT SOONER?!!! 2) Seriously one of best books I've read in a long time & narrator is fantastic - WHY ARENT MORE PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT THIS?? 3) my emotions are all over the place and I just want to read The Epidemic