I am posting one book per day from my extensive, and ever growing, TBR shelves. Some are old and some are new, some were gifts and some I don't remember why I bought them
Day 43
I am posting one book per day from my extensive, and ever growing, TBR shelves. Some are old and some are new, some were gifts and some I don't remember why I bought them
Day 43
I absolutely loved the first two books in this series. This one was pretty disappointing, and would have been intolerable if I hadn't liked the first two. It took a long time to get going, and could have been a lot shorter. Still, Mieville's world building is astonishingly good.
The third book set in the Bas-Lag fantasy world. It sets the story around the railroads that cross the world and connect the cities. This is the weakest of the Bas-Lag books for me. I don't know why, but it just didn't quite grab me like the others.
Rushing through this one, almost end of three day weekend. Feeling the need to be woke in the book is exactly the same as the need to be woke in America today. Love China Mieville...
Reorganized my "To Be Read" stacks...I have my work cut out for me. Where should I start?!?
Friends told me to skip this book despite loving others in the series. I avoided this for a long time. I regret that now.