I took a hiatus from book social media this year, but I‘m back at it. Here‘s what I‘m reading this month, starting with this new collection from @Graywolfpress
I took a hiatus from book social media this year, but I‘m back at it. Here‘s what I‘m reading this month, starting with this new collection from @Graywolfpress
"Tentatively, Eddie had begun to read, and found that it suited him."
PSA: This book is gorgeous (and emotional). If you want one before Christmas, for yourself or a gift, GET IT NOW. It's going to be out of stock everywhere.
I haven't posted in a while and I've been in a weird reading funk, but end-of-year lists always get me excited to dive back into my books. Curling up on the couch with a glass of wine and this beauty tonight.
The shelf in my office where I keep the ARCs I've snagged for myself.
I already posted about how much I liked this book, but my full review is on my blog today: https://imaliterarymama.wordpress.com/2017/10/25/review-code-girls-by-liza-mundy...
The Red Sox have been pretty terrible this series, so this may be my last Books + Baseball of the season. 📚⚾️
I've only read the forward, but I already feel like I'm in the presence of greatness. She's just so f-ing brilliant.
This book broke me. Crying in a coffee shop broke me. It is among the most physical reading experiences I've had: the heat of the sun, the movement of the wind, the weight of a precious child in my arms, all the while my breath caught in my throat.
I'm having a hard time deciding what to read next, so I'm going to try to finish some of my current reads and decide from there. I'm actively in the middle of four of these, and working myself up to read Hillary's book.
Spending the morning in a coffee shop reading the paper, and this quote from an Edward St. Aubyn interview jumped out at me: "This is the miracle of reading, it's a collaborative enterprise. The text merges with the imagination and experience of the reader and becomes something slightly different in every mind."
I only meant to bring a few books home from the trade show this year. #NEIBA17
God bless @GregoryCass for sending me on a book and sushi date after a long and stressful week. Now I'll actually have a chance to finish Uprooted so I can start one of my other weekend reads.
Too many choices for weekend reading, including two NBA nominees.
Had so much fun introducing Gretchen Rubin at her book launch event tonight. I highly recommend taking her Four Tendencies quiz. I'm an obliger and knowing that is SO helpful for my everyday life.
BTW, that's Melissa Hartwig in the background because my job is cool.
Reading this as my fantasy pick for the Read Harder Challenge. There are worse ways to wait for the bus.
I loved this book and the glimpse it gave of the women who contributed so much to the codebreaking effort in WWII. It's not perfect (there are so many women that it's hard to keep track of individuals and the descriptions of the math are a little muddy), but it's such important history, beautifully and lovingly told.
Just hanging out on vacation with my family, reading a book with a stylized vagina on the cover. Think they'll notice? 😂
Just when I thought I couldn't love Lumberjanes more, there's a League of Their Own reference. ❤️⚾️
My August to be read pile is a total lie, because I still can't decide what to bring on vacation next week. I know I'll read Saga (for book club) and I'd really like to read American Eclipse before the eclipse on 8/21. Everything else remains to be seen. #anditsaugust #andimadaylate
I've never read John LeCarre before, but I'm six pages into his memoir for book club and I'm already in love with his writing.
My husband already posted about this, but the sign was the finishing touch, up this evening. The library has been up a week now and people have already taken and exchanged a bunch of stuff. First out were Papi by David Ortiz and Ms Marvel Vol 1. Hooray!
Special thanks to my brother who built the whole thing from scratch and installed it last weekend!
Still finishing up Anne of Green Gables as a palate cleanser, but I'm really looking forward to my options for July.
I've been in a mini reading rut, but my old-school copy of Anne of Green Gables is breaking me out. So charming! (Complete with random childhood bookmark.)
Especially good Rachel mail day.
Excited to start this one tonight. I've been hearing good things, and it sounds fun!
I cried when watching Pete Souza's slideshow at breakfast this morning and burst into tears as soon as Hillary took the stage (with Cheryl Strayed!) tonight.
June's to be read pile, posted with the caveat that I leave tomorrow for BookExpo and everything might change. 😀
Nothing like a little astronomy on a sunny afternoon in Boston. 🔭
I'm still processing this strange, beautiful novel of European mathematicians during the war years. Audin is a mathematician and this is her debut novel. It's experimental, written in several styles, but very readable and totally haunting.
Today's Mother's Day was mixed, but I'm finishing it curled up in bed with a cup of tea and French novels, so it's a net win.
I loved this charming memoir of a life in reading. I haven't been in a reading funk lately, but even still, this reinvigorated the way I think about books and reading.
Pamela Paul is the editor of the New York Times Book Review. I highly recommend their podcast, too. Great interviews with authors and reviewers, plus my favorite: a segment with Paul and other editors on what they're reading themselves.
Late-night commute reading. I'm loving Pamela Paul's charming, bookish memoir.
Six months ago, I probably would have had to look up emoluments....
After an okay reading month in April, here's what I'm hoping to tackle in May.
Yeah....I know.
I bought something a little crazy this morning. Expect me to be reading this for the next 52 years (give or take). #readbooks
Sneaking in some reading while staffing a conference. Enjoying this so far! Lots of foreshadowing; I hope it pays off!
I took my #weather photo last night, hoping the snow would disappear by morning. It hasn't. #newenglandweather #aprilbookshowers
I got a lot of reading done this month by having a TBR stack and not letting myself get distracted. Excited to start April's stack tonight! #aprilbookshowers #twodaysearly
Writing an introduction for an author and book I love is a huge honor, but very stressful. I HIGHLY recommend A Colony in a Nation. It's extremely well written and well argued, and a timely topic as we collectively reconsider our national priorities and our responsibility to our fellow citizens.
It's freezing out, but both my guys are napping, I have an orange cardamom cake in the oven, and free time to read. Perfect last day of vacation.