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The Lightness
The Lightness | Emily Temple
7 posts | 6 read | 1 reading | 6 to read
A mesmerising novel, steaming with teenage desire and claustrophobia, for fans of The Virgin Suicides and The Girls. Once you go up the mountain, do you ever come down? It's another sunny day at the retreat. Up the side of the mountain, the girls are here to calm down. Up the side of the mountain, the air is thin and you can't quite think straight. On the edge of the mountain a small group of them cannot control their urge to experiment. Does Olivia want to join in? Is she ready to risk her life? A heady, electric story of toxic female friendship, the fever of power and the need to rise above our mortal lives. Emily Temple's THE LIGHTNESS is a compulsive read that will get inside your soul.
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The Lightness | Emily Temple
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Well I‘m really glad I read this on NetGalley because I didn‘t like it very much. It had potential but it seemed like the author was trying too hard to make the book something it‘s not.

So instead of a picture of the book, here is a new mug that I had to buy for obvious reasons.

I apologize for the ungodly amount of reviews I‘ll be posting in the next few days. To say I‘ve been slacking is an understatement.

Reecaspieces Love this mug!!! Where did you get it 4y
Nute Nice mug! 4y
Zoes_Human Gorgeous mug 😍 I‘d also like to know where it came from. (edited) 4y
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TheLibrarian @Reecaspieces Thanks! A restaurant near me, Square Cafe, sells a few items from local artists. When I went to pick up my Thanksgiving meal, I just happened to spot them! 4y
Palimpsest Is this the Emily Temple of LitHub? I like most of the articles that aren‘t by her. She posts stuff herself similar to buzzfeed lists making fun of one-star reviews of classic novels. It seems petty to share that kind of information instead of smart literary essays. I‘m tired of people that just make fun of others for laughs. Beautiful mug though! (edited) 4y
TheLibrarian @Palimpsest I just googled it and yes it‘s the same Emily Temple from LitHub. And if that‘s the stuff she‘s posting on LitHub I agree with you. You can still have fun posts about books that aren‘t Buzzfeed like. If I wanted that, I‘d look at Buzzfeed Books. 4y
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The Lightness | Emily Temple
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KarenUK Love that cover though! 😍 4y
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The Lightness | Emily Temple
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I might have just eaten a microwave bean & cheese burrito with extra cheese for breakfast/brunch today. Sometimes needs must when you have a craving. It isn‘t the prettiest as it sunk a bit, but the flavor is 😋.

Giving this library e-book a try as it‘s due back soon. I am intrigued so far (a cult-ish summer mountain retreat for troubled girls setting hits my buttons) but it got some dismal reviews on Litsy, so we‘ll see.🤷🏻‍♀️

sprainedbrain I see nothing wrong with this brunch. 😂 4y
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The Lightness | Emily Temple
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If I'm being honest, and I think people want me to share my honest opinion - this novel tries so hard to be what it isn't that it fails to be what it could have been. The author mentions The Secret History in every interview I've seen, and blurbs and reviews have followed suit, but I don't find that here. The frequent heavy-handed foreshadowing almost made me quit multiple times. ⤵️

ReadingEnvy And we almost lose track of the deeper layers about parents and friendship and striving for the imaginary. The setting of the actual events in the novel is a titch too imaginary or unreal to fully resonate with the lives of the characters. It feels very much like an MFA novel, trying too hard to be profound when it was already there in the smaller moments. 4y
TheLibrarian I wasn‘t the biggest fan of this book either and I agree with you that it tries too hard. Great review! (edited) 4y
Prairiegirl_reading I definitely appreciate honest reviews. I know lots of readers don‘t want to insult someone‘s work and I understand that but not every piece of work is a masterpiece and not every book is to everyone‘s taste. Honest reviews don‘t have to be mean spirited. Anyway short story made long, great review. 😄 4y
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ReadingEnvy @TheLibrarian I stuck with it because I thought maybe the whole point is the overearnestness will be revealed to play a plot point or something... oh well 4y
ReadingEnvy @Prairiegirl_reading thanks. I tried not to be too snarky but I did end up feeling a bit like I‘d wasted my time, trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, 4y
Texreader Excellent review 4y
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The Lightness | Emily Temple
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This book keeps being compared to The Secret History, which is appalling. This book is like if that book and The Last Time I Lied had a horrible Buddhism injected baby. Avoid. I wish I had. #ARC

madams421 That‘s too bad - the cover is so pretty! Thanks for the heads up! 4y
TheBookHippie I know 😭😭😭I panned it too! 4y
KatieDid927 @TheBookHippie Glad I‘m not alone. I also neglected to mention the offensively unnecessary fatphobia. Just a mess. 4y
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The Lightness | Emily Temple
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My book stack today ... along with cracker crumbs 😫🤦🏽‍♀️🙄😅😂

The Lightness | Emily Temple
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I won a Goodreads giveaway!!! I've been on Goodreads for so many years and this is the 2nd giveaway I've ever won! And it's for one of my most anticipated books of 2020. I guess not giving up pays off 😂

TheSpineView Congrats! 👍🤩 4y
ItsAnotherJen Congratulations! I've yet to win. You must be lucky! 🍀 4y
8little_paws I won one a few days ago and it was my first ever in 5 years. 4y
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