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Blood of Dragons (Rain Wild Chronicles, #4)
Blood of Dragons (Rain Wild Chronicles, #4) | Robin Hobb
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Thoroughly engrossed with this series and ready to start the final book in The Rain Wild Chronicles 🧡🐉☢️

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Blood of Dragons | Robin Hobb
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Well, I did it. Today I finished Blood of Dragons which also means I have completed The Rain Wilds Chronicles! 🐉💞📚 I'm sad that it's over, but excited for my next Hobb adventure - The Liveships trilogy!


TrishB You still have more! You lucky thing ♥️ 2y
RaeLovesToRead Woo woo!!!! Nice work!!! I'm currently staying in Nottingham looking after my friend's cat... I have asked Mum to take a picture of Pickles looking impressed... goodness knows what she will come up with! 😅 In the meantime, let Pebble congratulate you.... 2y
ravenlee Congrats! 2y
Branwen @ravenlee Thank you so much! 💕 @TrishB I'm so excited to start my next Hobb adventure! 😄 @RaeLovesToRead Yay! Thank you so much! And Pickles and Pebble too! 😺💕 2y
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Blood of Dragons | Robin Hobb
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There are not many perfect days...but this is certainly one of them! 😋📚🍺

Leftcoastzen Ok , I need a beer right now! 2y
CoverToCoverGirl Can I join you? It looks like a perfect place to rest and read a book! 🦋 (edited) 2y
Branwen @Leftcoastzen I hope you got to enjoy one! 🍺 @CoverToCoverGirl Absolutely! There's always room on my balcony for my bookish friends! 😄📚💞 2y
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Blood of Dragons | Robin Hobb
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I am determined to finish it this weekend! It's so hard because I don't want the story to end - I'm going to miss the dragons! 🐉❤️ But I'm also super hyped to start the first Liveship book next! 💕📚💕 #pickleschallenge

RaeLovesToRead Woo!!!! 💕💕 Don't worry about running out of Hobb just yet. Liveships are amazing! 2y
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Blood of Dragons | Robin Hobb
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Happy Monday! 💛 I hope everyone is having a good start to their week! I finished City of Dragons last night so today I am starting the fourth and final book in the Rain Wilds Chronicles! 🐉💕 I can't believe it's almost over! After that I will be moving on to the Liveship trilogy! 🐲⛵ #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #rumpel

Blood of Dragons | Robin Hobb

Still a wonderful series, with a great writer. Three more to go.

Blood of Dragons | Robin Hobb
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Epic and satisfying conclusion to The Rain Wild Chronicles. Full pelt adventure from start to finish.
Now to start the last trilogy and see what Fitz has been up to….

Blood of Dragons | Robin Hobb
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Well that was a fast read 😳 so answered questions and concluded as I thought it would. Great characters and finishing storyline... or is it this could have more to the story or a runoff story from these ... so I‘ll have to investigate 😋

Deifio I think you're missing the last of the Fitz and the Fool storyline 🤔😘 5y
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Blood of Dragons | Robin Hobb
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So this is the last book I have in this series and I‘m starting it now... hoping for a conclusion as I‘ve questions waiting for answers 💁🏼‍♀️📖😋

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I have enjoyed spending the last five days in the company of dragons and Elderlings. It almost felt like being a kid again and just disappearing into a series and only emerging for food or bathroom breaks. This final books was a good and enjoyable conclusion to the series, but overall the writing annoyed me a bit with being repetitive at times, which isn‘t what I normally expect from Hobb.

Also, this was my book number 100 of the year!

BarbaraBB So fast! You were really dedicated. What a great days these past five must have been! And congratulations on your hundredth book, wow 💯❤️ 6y
Kalalalatja @BarbaraBB I think I really needed some days like this with some engrossing and enjoyable books. Since the middle of May, I have felt distracted by my thesis, so even though I have read some good books, I haven‘t been able to enjoy them 100%, but I felt like I got that back again! 👌 6y
TrishB I think each of these books could have been slightly shorter, but still a wonderful series 💕 6y
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Kalalalatja @TrishB I completely agree. I don‘t think it was necessary to have four books, but they were still great reads! 6y
Sophoclessweetheart That sounds so so amazing. I‘m so glad you‘ve enjoyed reading them so much x 6y
Moray_Reads Congrats on the milestone! 6y
Kalalalatja @Moray_Reads thank you! i have never before reached a hundred books this early 👏 6y
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Last book of the series, and I‘m not planning to leave this couch before I finish!


TrishB Enjoy 👍🏻 6y
La_Cori it's a good plan! 😉 6y
Traci1 😍 that cover is gorgeous. 6y
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emilyhaldi Someone‘s having the #bestweekendever!! 🙌🏻 6y
Kalalalatja @emilyhaldi @La_Cori @TrishB I‘m feeling a bit like I did when I was a kid. Then I could just read all I wanted without thinking about chores, errands, plans or being responsible. It is so nice to forget about all of those things for a while 👌😄 @Traci1 it is! 👌 6y
TrishB I‘m jealous 😁 6y
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Blood of Dragons | Robin Hobb
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I just finished the last book in the Rain Wilds Chronicles by Robin Hobb. I would recommend the series, it's well-written and had my attention throughout. However, I found the ending to be rushed. I would have liked to follow the characters for a little longer.
If you like fantasy, these are worth reading.

TrishB Agreed👍🏻Robin Hobb is my fav fantasy author 7y
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Blood of Dragons | Robin Hobb
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The kid and I made dragons blood punch 😍😍 it‘s a very odd texture but it‘s so much fun! And it taste good! We also put eyes in it too!

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Blood of Dragons | Robin Hobb
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A satisfying conclusion to a good series. It was also quite funny.

Blood of Dragons | Robin Hobb
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Bread with cured ham, banana smoothie my current read and a crappy phone camera. Time to relax after class and before doing some christmas shopping 😊

Blood of Dragons | Robin Hobb
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Beautiful culmination of a wonderful series. Everything is tied up as much as it should be. I especially like how it isn't a perfect "the end" inasmuch as all social issues are worked out, but it finished with the same satisfaction as a great dinner with expectation of a light and sweet dessert.