This was first published in 2008 and I would love an updated edition. Still, always interesting to enter David Byrne‘s head.
#ShutdownRound3 book 6
This was first published in 2008 and I would love an updated edition. Still, always interesting to enter David Byrne‘s head.
#ShutdownRound3 book 6
Great read but you have to get to it quick; the thinking is great but there are bits that will date it!
“...the interpenetration of everything, so no one or no building is truly isolated and “safe” anymore. Safety is in getting along.” P. 260-261
I know my lit-influence is not shooting off the charts... I‘m taking the “enjoy every mile-stone” approach. And here I have hit another.
Byrne doesn‘t talk about 7-elevens (yet) in this book, but it does a great job at discussing big-picture topics in whimsical local ways...
Thrift store book haul, HC edition.
The Pit Bull book is for #Stella obviously. 😄
"I have become aware that there's a pyramid of control and influence that exists between text, image, and sound. I note that today we give text a preferential position. A label under an image "defines" that image even if it contradicts what we can see. I wonder if before text became ubiquitous was image the most influential medium? Sound?" #byrne #girlfriendisbetter
One of my favorite road trip songs is "Road to Nowhere" by Talking Heads. Its rolling tempo and gospel choir backing vocals give it anthemic qualities that will pump you up for the road ahead (even if the destination is nowhere.)
The obvious book pairing is Bicycle Diaries, a quirky travel memoir by Talking Heads frontman and bicycle evangelist David Byrne.
#RoadTripGiveaway @LibrarianRyan
Excited about this recent addition to my local library. In fair weather, it will be ridden around the community to deliver library books, allow people to sign up for a library card on the go, and provide information about library programs. Does your library have a #bookbike?
1. My son with his new bike a few days ago. 🚲
2. Not right now
3. Bike mentioned above 🚲
4. Taco salads tonight 🌮 🥗
5. Strawberry! 🍓
@MinDea #HumpDayPost
Love David Byrne‘s quirky voice and music. Had no idea he is such a bicycle enthusiast. #emojimadness @Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck
When the weather is nice, I love going out on bicycle rides. Pictured here is me & @MJSanty on a rented tandem bike during a lovely May Day. #nonreadingpursuits #uncannyoctober
Cities, it occurred to me, are physical manifestations of our deepest beliefs and our often unconscious thoughts, not so much as individuals, but as the social animals we are.
Living "in" a story, being part of a narrative, is much more satisfying than living without one. I don't always know what narrative it is, because I'm living my life and not always reflecting on it, but as I edit these pages I am aware that I have an urge to see my sometimes random wandering as having a plot, a purpose guided by some underlying story.
I'm not a sports enthusiast so I had to do some digging. Finally I remembered this book , a gift from my brother. #booksandsports