Review to come.
This is from my December TBR list for #WinterGames2021 #TeamGameSleighers @StayCurious
#WrapItUpReadathon @keys_on_fire
Review to come.
This is from my December TBR list for #WinterGames2021 #TeamGameSleighers @StayCurious
#WrapItUpReadathon @keys_on_fire
#UCFLAE3414SU19 This New York Times Bestseller is a RF book that follows Wilfred through his “ownership” of Marcel the moose. The young boy goes over his rules, and in the end finds out that sometimes the nature of nature can‘t be influenced or owned. It‘s a truly hilarious children‘s picture book and would make for a great RA for all students engagement. Also, the art within is amazing! But I love most of Jeffers artistic stylings.
Oliver Jeffers creates another amazing RF book about a boy and his moose! A little boy stumbles upon a moose and makes him his pet. There‘s only two problems, 1, the moose doesn‘t listen to his rules and 2, the moose belongs to someone else! This book is great for RT using a moose props for each student. You can have each student make their own with this link! Just add a popsicle stick to it and they‘ll all be saying, “This moose belongs to me!”
#PrinceOfJuly Day 18: Pretty thick #WhenYouWereMine vibes in this incredibly entertaining picturebook. As an adult, it reminded me that what we think we ‘own‘ may not really be ‘ours‘ to begin with. Makes me realize that there may actually be no such thing as ‘mine‘ after all, not even the sky and the blank space between the stars. Except, perhaps our own hearts, and what we decide to do with it. Full review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-4U2
We have so many great books out from the library right now. My daughter is loving these two and asked to renew them for another three weeks. #children
This Moose Belongs to Me by Oliver Jeffers. Genre: F, Award: Irish book awards children book of the year, 2012, Honour award for illustration from childrens‘ books Ireland, 2013, TS: RA, RT, IR, CR, PR. This book would be a great book to use as a readers theatre because there are a lot of different aspects of this story that could be broken down into fun parts. #UCFLAE3414SP18
Oops? Two book outlet boxes came today....and since it takes a month for them to get here it always feels so shocking to remember how many books I actually ordered..
I think I'd be quite happy to have a moose friend of my own.