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Chapter after Chapter
Chapter after Chapter | Heather Sellers
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Writing a Book is a Journeydon't get lost along the way Writing a book requires a focus, a sense of knowing and trusting in yourself and your work. And it requires an unflinching commitment to staying the course. Chapter After Chapter shows you how to build on your good writing habits, accrue and recognize tiny successes, and turn your dedication to the craft into the book you always knew you could write if you could just stay with it. Heather Sellers, author of Page After Page, draws on her first-hand experience as a novelist, poet, memoirist, and children's book author to help you prepare for whatever roadblocks you might encounter while writing the book of your dreams. You'll discover how to celebrate the momentum of slow and steady, stay in love with your book project through soggy middles and long revisions, and embrace the nakedness that is creative expression. And you'll realize you've got exactly what it takes to write your book!
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Chapter after Chapter | Heather Sellers
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So im obsessed with these bracelets! Theyre by a company called Zox and they make empowering and inspirational double sided bracelets! Theyre like reminders you can wear! I have a bunch already and they finally made a bookish one!

wanderinglynn How fun! ❤️ 3y
peanutnine I've bought a few of these for my sister! Did not know they have a bookish one, might have to look into that for myself 🙃 3y
bookish_wookish Yes! I believe the first week of February it was released! @peanutnine 3y
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BethM Very cool! 3y
BookBosomed1 I just fell down the rabbit hole reading the brand‘s story & looking at all the options. 3y
bookish_wookish Yes! Thats how i became addicted! Every week im looking to see what the new releases are! @BookBosomed1 3y
BookBosomed1 @bookish_wookish I just bought some. Thanks for the rec! 3y
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Chapter after Chapter | Heather Sellers
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My answer to the question: Chapter 15 more than likely is the point where I decide I will continue or not continue.

Adding to my comment, it also depends on how long the chapters are so I am going to put in a page number of 100 as my STOPPING or CONTINUING point.

What about you?

Aims42 Yep, usually 100 pages is my milemarker for if I‘m going to keep with the book. Life‘s too short to read blah books! 6y
SilversReviews @Aims42 Exactly. I used to stick with books that I wasn‘t enjoying, but decided that there are too many good books out there. No sense wasting your time when another FAB book is waiting. :) 6y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Im a little more zen about it - I just feel it when I know I need to bail. Sometimes a few pages is all it takes! 6y
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Scurvygirl I usually stick it out, it‘s usually me, not the book. Hence so many books going at once. I think I‘ve only given up on a handful of books and some books have been on my currently reading for over a year. 6y
SilversReviews @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled That is awesome you can just tell. 😍😍😍 6y
SilversReviews @Scurvygirl LOL on being you and not the book. That‘s great you can read more than one book at a time, though. I can‘t read more than one. 😍😍😍 6y
Aims42 @SilversReviews 🙌🏻 preach!! 💖 6y
Melissa_J I give a book 50 to 100 pages (depends on length) before deciding if it‘s for me or not. I have, however, been known to give up on books even when I‘m almost to the end. For example, I gave up on this one 50 pages from the finish (edited) 6y
GripLitGrl Agree with the all the above comments if a book can't capture my attention by 100 pages I'm out. Too many books not enough time to waste on one not grabbing my attention. 6y
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Chapter after Chapter | Heather Sellers
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Samplergal Read Patterson. Lol. You will always win. 6y
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Chapter after Chapter | Heather Sellers
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My boyfriend got me a literary themed cookie cake to commemorate my last day as an active duty Naval Officer and celebrate the upcoming next chapter in my life. ⚓️🌊🇺🇸

saresmoore Woohoo!!! 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes Amazing! Congratulations! 🎉 what's next for you? (edited) 7y
AlaMich Congratulations!! 🎉🎉 7y
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ReadingSusan Love it! And congratulations! (edited) 7y
hermyknee That's so sweet! Congratulations! 7y
Jas16 Congratulations!🍾🎉🥂 7y
DarcysMom Love! Congratulations! 7y
DGRachel Aww! Congrats! 7y
rubyslippersreads What a thoughtful gift! Congratulations! 7y
Susanita Wishing you fair winds and following seas. 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Congratulations!!!! 🎊🎈🎉 7y
EllieDottie @Natasha.C.Barnes I'm actually going to be teaching and developing curriculum for the Navy so I'm not going far! 7y
AlaMich @EllieDottie What will you be teaching? 7y
EllieDottie @AlaMich Celestial navigation ✨ 7y
ferskner That is VERY cute! Congratulations! 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Congratulations! He's a keeper, even though I'm sure the cookie won't keep for long! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 7y
AlaMich @EllieDottie Seriously?? That sounds extremely cool!!! 7y
BekahB That's an awesome cookie! Congrats! 7y
RohitSawant How awesome! Congratulations!! 🎉🎉 7y
CouronneDhiver Congrats! 🙂 7y
TriciaO Thank you for your service! Can't wait to see what you do with your next chapter! 7y
NovelGirl82 Congrats, and thank you!!! 7y
LauraBrook 🎉🎉congratulations and thank you for your service! 🎉🎉 7y
EllieDottie @AlaMich I really like it! I find it so much fun to teach!! 7y
kspenmoll What a wonderful gift! Congratulations on your service & new chapter in your life! 7y
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Chapter after Chapter | Heather Sellers
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britt_brooke 😍👏🏻 7y
Birdsong28 Saw this ❤ it. 📖📚 7y
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Chapter after Chapter | Heather Sellers
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What would this chapter of your life be called? Mine would be Discovery. The past couple of years I've gone through a lot of changes; from my daughter going away to college, to the loss of loved ones, career changes, etc. Although the past year things have been more balanced I'm still discovering a lot about myself and life in general.

OrangeMooseReads The Boring Part You Can Skip Because Nothing Happens 7y
Simona @OrangeMooseReads 😂😂😂 Exactly the same, but I'm thankful for that. 7y
kendrastephaniekaryn Changes! I finished University, started my career, and started planning my wedding! 7y
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OrangeMooseReads @Simona yeah I'm kind of thankful for it too 7y
Roselyn_Reads @kendrastephaniekaryn congratulations!!!! 7y
night_shift Probably: "and how I came to live in my car" things aren't liking so great right now. But the next chapter should be: "buying books again!" 7y
Suet624 The peaceful years. 😀❤ 7y
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