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We're Not Broken
We're Not Broken: Changing the Autism Conversation | Eric Garcia
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This book is a message from autistic people to their parents, friends, teachers, coworkers and doctors showing what life is like on the spectrum. Its also my love letter to autistic people. For too long, we have been forced to navigate a world where all the road signs are written in another language. With a reporters eye and an insiders perspective, Eric Garcia shows what its like to be autistic across America. Garcia began writing about autism because he was frustrated by the medias coverage of it; the myths that the disorder is caused by vaccines, the narrow portrayals of autistic people as white men working in Silicon Valley. His own life as an autistic person didnt look anything like that. He is Latino, a graduate of the University of North Carolina, and works as a journalist covering politics in Washington D.C. Garcia realized he needed to put into writing what so many autistic people have been saying for years; autism is a part of their identity, they dont need to be fixed. In Were Not Broken, Garcia uses his own life as a springboard to discuss the social and policy gaps that exist in supporting those on the spectrum. From education to healthcare, he explores how autistic people wrestle with systems that were not built with them in mind. At the same time, he shares the experiences of all types of autistic people, from those with higher support needs, to autistic people of color, to those in the LGBTQ community. In doing so, Garcia gives his community a platform to articulate their own needs, rather than having others speak for them, which has been the standard for far too long.
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Day20: - Past Lying. Karen Pirie has a #2ndchanceromance, but it falls apart in this book #7 of series. Also a version of #LieinTitle, day 23.
Day 21: #AwardWinner - winner of the Sue Kaufman Prize for First Fiction - Enter Ghost
Day 22: #Tragedy- Romeo and Juliet
Day 24: #Neurodivergent- We‘re Not Broken
#catchinup #serieslove2024

TheSpineView 🤩💜📖📚 3mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 😍 3mo
Eggs Brilliant 👏🏻👏🏻 3mo
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Last book I finished in April #bookspin book. This book has been sitting on my shelf for the last year, so happy I finally read it. The author is Autistic & gave me some areas for me to think about more. He gave a good background on the history of Autism & how the perceptions of Autism has changed over the last few years. He also discussed several areas that continue to be hampered by misconceptions or lack of government assistance: housing,

ncsufoxes Medical, jobs (for years disabled people have been paid substandard pay), ADA, education. Again misconceptions of what Autistic people are capable of have continued to make progress slow at times. Misconceptions & misinformation unfortunately also cause obstacles. I really enjoyed the author‘s insights. #nonfiction2023 prompt: Black Sheep (some people still see Autistic people as black sheep due to misconceptions) 1y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 1y
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May 2022 #bookspinbingo board, I‘m hoping to get the tagged book read this month. It was my double spin book for last month & now my #bookspin book for this month. I guess it‘s a sign to get it read.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks great!!! 2y
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April is Autism Acceptance month. I plan on reading the tagged book this month. My mom sent the top book to my son but we still haven‘t read it. Neurotribes is the only one I haven‘t read (because grad school, ie no time). I need to find more stories & narratives from Autistic authors.

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April #bookspin list, April is also #AutismAcceptance month (this is a shift from Autism Awareness because the majority of people in the Autism community are trying to move away from Autism being seen as a deficit or something that needs to be changed). A friend recommended the tagged book, which I‘m really hoping to read next month. I‘d love to participate in #DisabilityReadathon but not sure how much time I‘ll have.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
tenar What a great list, I‘m screenshotting it. I‘d like especially to read From the Periphery soon. And one of the prompts for the #DisabilityReadathon is to read a book by an autistic author, so you‘ll get two-for-one! 2y
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