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The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years
The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years | Chingiz A?tmatov
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" . . . a rewarding book." --Times Literary Supplement Set in the vast windswept Central Asian steppes and the infinite reaches of galactic space, this powerful novel offers a vivid view of the culture and values of the Soviet Union's Central Asian peoples.
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This is my favorite novel of all times. I have given it to several people. I have reread it twice and it is about time to do so again. I admit it‘s a novel from a different time and carried special meaning for a lot of readers behind the Iron Curtain. When I read it for the first time I was not aware that 100 pages had been censored in the East German translation - too political. I have read the full book since then.

Dilara Happy to find someone who shares my love for this book 😁
I didn't know about the censorship!
atenelli #Dilara, They took out the whole section with Dzhingiz Khan‘s story. 1mo
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The Day Lasts More than a Hundred Years was one of my favourite reads so far this year. One word of warning, there is actually very little science-fiction in this novel. It's 95% realistic and tells in flashbacks the life of Yedigei, a railway worker in a tiny station in the middle of the Kazakh desert. A lot more pages are devoted to trains than to space rockets. Not to mention Yedigei's beloved camel.

#Kazakhstan #RussianLiterature

Dilara Photo of camel in front of the Baikonur cosmodrome, in Kazakhstan, from the Radio Free Europe website. Just perfect to illustrate the story. 3y
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Really enjoying The Day Lasts More than a Hundred Years by Kyrgyz (formerly Soviet) author Chingiz Aitmatov. I've tried to find a photo online that fits the description of the main protagonist's magnificent camel: a huge brown and black Bactrian called Karanar. I love the way the novel blends science-fiction and descriptions of life in the Kazakh desert.

#Kazakhstan #SF #Russianliterature

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Part 1 of 3: this is part of my fiction haul from today's library book sale. Such a wonderful morning. ☺️ (except I'm bummed there were no Vonnegut or Murakami novels that I saw)

BekahB Wow! You got a lot of fantastic books! 8y
melbeautyandbooks Great haul! 8y
Gleefulreader This is a fantastic haul! 8y
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megt Great finds! 8y
BookishMarginalia 💜💜💜 8y
erzascarletbookgasm I would have picked every single one of these myself! Awesome finds :) 8y
Melkyl Awesome picks! 8y
SusanInTiburon Yayyyyy! Looks like you had some fun. Good job! 8y
Zelma Wow, you really scored on the sale! 👍 8y
ApoptyGina69 Cool-your bookshelves will match mine soon. I love all these! 📚 8y
Hooked_on_books Amazing haul! Very envious. 8y
ErikasMindfulShelf Great haul! 8y
Dragon I see a lot of great reads ! 8y
Cinfhen Looks like u had a very successful day😉 8y
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