I could be nitpicking but I just hate seeing things like this-especially written by men. Now why couldn‘t it just be a book about two women or their story? Why is it reduced to the stereotype of gossiping women or cat fights?
I could be nitpicking but I just hate seeing things like this-especially written by men. Now why couldn‘t it just be a book about two women or their story? Why is it reduced to the stereotype of gossiping women or cat fights?
Dual biography of two fascinating women! I knew a little bit about Eleanor Roosevelt and Alice Roosevelt Longfellow but I didn‘t realize just how much they had their hands in American politics and the fact that they were involved for decades.
I enjoyed hearing about their lives as they were woven together by nature of being cousins and their opposing political views.
?Circus Peanuts
?"Reincarnation Blues" - Michael Poore
??Indian: Paneer. Vindaloo. Curry. Samosas. Garlic naan. ?
✅ Yes; I have 12 first cousins! 10 of them are boys. When I was little & my dad made plans to visit his sister (my Aunt Sue), I used to cry, "I don't wanna go to Boy Land!" Oh, well. At least we could bond over "Goosebumps" books. ?♀️??
?????? #friyay #friyayintro @jess.how
Combatting this dreary day with my only entry into #nonfictionNovember and peppermint tea
Such an enjoyable read! I love Eleanor, but Alice is also fascinating and accomplished. Plus, this totally counted as studying for the American History CSET subtest!
Loved it! The tale of two Roosevelt Cousin's who impacted history and White House politics. The two strong women were often adversaries and developed completely different styles.
Loving this epic tale of two completely different women who were integral to the politics of the early 1900's. From Teddy's daughter Alice charming China's empress dowager to Eleanor's lesbian friends picnicking at Hyde Park, these two trailblazers left an indelible mark on history.
I'm listening to this audiobook about the rivalry between first cousins - Eleanor and Alice. It's amazing to hear about the family in-fighting and politics of one of America's first families. I just got back from Manchester, Mass. Where I visited for my cousin's wedding. Thankfully we all love each other. Lol.
Also research. Making my first attempt at historical YA with Alice and Eleanor Roosevelt!