Excited to find these at a new comic book store when we stopped by a hobby store today. The book on the right is an RPG book so that should be fun to try. #lesbian #pride
This was disappointing. I usually love Gray‘s writing but this seemed too long and was just…sad. I felt like it was a lot of hurt for not a lot of payoff. Stellan was irritating most of the time and it never gave the big mysterious payoff. Just so so for me.
These have been really good so far. The best part is that it gives an idea on what some Jedi are doing (aka Avar Kriss) since they‘ve been mostly absent from the novels. I like the tie-ins and recommend for more from some good characters that haven‘t got a lot of time otherwise.
This book was a very interesting look at how Thrawn became..well Thrawn. A small Easter egg tie-in to Alliances. It was nice to see how he became who he is and the background to the Chiss. I almost forgot he‘s technically a villain cuz I‘m rooting for him. He‘s quickly becoming a favorite character. Recommend.
This was a well done mystery. It wasn‘t a thriller but a good mystery that you would be hard pressed to figure out early. It was also a well done family drama or examination on family. What is loyalty and what is an accessory? It also shows that love is messy. Excellent read and recommended.
This is so much like Trump… I guess narcissist gonna narcissist 😂. The press has always been a weapon and a lot of times too willing to be used. We saw it then and we‘ve seen it now; played by Trump through this campaign.
I hate this excuse. It‘s an easy way of excusing figures from history and not accepting people are flawed. I‘m also floored by this time‘s money and it‘s ability to travel further. No wonder old senators from this time are out of touch. To be able to take college for $225 for law school 😂 or even a secretary wage being able to save and afford George Washington University and still live.
It‘s amazing to see, in the prologue, how similar these two men are.
Ohh this is so good. I‘ve been having it with a splash of Starbucks caramel macchiato creamer. 👌🏽 Rn I‘m pairing it with plenty of Halloween books and this very interesting non-fiction.
I don‘t understand the high reviews but that‘s my opinion. The first bit was just her constant complaining about mom stuff then the totally over the top plot beginning and also the threat of two romances..I just had to stop. I dislike romances and the premise was so far fetched I couldn‘t get into it so I quit pretty early on.
Got this in from the library today!! As I was reading the first few pages this Dutch phrase popped up and…oh. Now I need to know what happens! The last thing he screams is this phrase 😱
I went into this not knowing what to expect. I liked the first half of the book itwas eerie and mysterious but as the middle dragged on I felt like there was no payoff for constantly dragging out what was going on. My first instinct turned out to be right about what was happening but I talked myself out of it saying “oh that‘s a lazy idea” lol. It wasn‘t bad but in my opinion the end wasn‘t satisfying. Maybe could‘ve been a short story.
This kept me guessing til the end! A mystery set during a harsh stormy season where two women and a child go missing around a decade apart. Are they related? Coincidence? What happened to them and who did it? It was told from multiple POVs, quickly building tension until the very end when all the mysteries are solved. It‘s dark, mysterious and an engrossing read. Pick.
So bored in a zoom class so I‘m sneakily beginning this. The book is immersive so far and I‘m excited to hear of the Indigenous people there. Just a snippet so far but exciting.
I started this not realizing it was a novella. When I looked at my progress and saw 30% done when I just started, I was so confused. This was a bit too much to try and pack into a small book and I didn‘t feel the story developed well. It was touted as “so scary” and “terrifying”. I wouldn‘t even categorize it as creepy 😂. Oh well, I‘ll continue my search for a truly scary book for me.
As usual, I loved it! Another strong addition to the series and it was better than the last book which felt like a bridge to this story. Murderbot was as anti-social and awkward as ever and I love Murderbot so so much 🥰 The last one of the novellas before a full novel. I will miss the small easy and quick novella but I will continue the journey. Highly recommended.
I started this one on what I kinda felt was a wrong recommendation. I was told this was a horror and I read a bit and started to think “why does this seem like a boring mystery?” And now I‘m reading the reviews saying it‘s like a “thriller romance” and “erotic”. Def not the book for me. I was looking for horror so I guess I‘ll try a different book.
I had no idea this horror/mystery glowed in the dark til I turned off my book light! This was pretty good for a mystery and average for a horror book. It wasn‘t very spooky and I feel he used an awful lot of material from Haunting of Hill House (at one point I felt like I was reading a novelization). But the mystery was good and it surprised me and it had spooky vibes. Not my favorite but I‘m glad I read it and learned the mystery behind it.
Yassss omg yes read this! It was so good. It was entertaining and heartbreaking and scandalous and endearing. Once I got into it, I devoured it. I adore Evelyn and some of the other characters in the book. It shows people are not purely good or bad but a multitude of things. Deals with race and sexuality. Just an excellent read. Recommended 👍🏽
I couldn‘t get through this one which is a shame cuz I usually love the Kopp sisters. That might be the problem tho-it wasn‘t about the Kopp sisters. They were a small part and I got POV from two minor and new characters. I didn‘t even see a mystery. I finally quit and will try book 4 instead. Let‘s get back to the Kopps!
This started out pretty well and I was invested but soon it started to draaaaag. The story and the premise was good but I honestly think the book could‘ve been half the size. It soon became monotonous and I didn‘t need every single detail over and over. I don‘t want to dissuade anyone from reading because I think it is an important piece of history. Just wished it was shorter.
I don‘t usually like YA but this was so interesting. A mystery and historical fiction with no romance 🥳🤩 finally! I love when women can just have their own stories. It was an interesting book and the relationship between the MC and her sister was satisfying to see progress. In a nutshell, a good mystery set in a time period and place that‘s overlooked. Recommend 👍🏽
She would not submit to him. As she put it, “A peace based on injustice…is a treacherous sleep whose waking is death. Your honor lies in waking out of it.”
It started out well but I finally gave up. The mystery wasn‘t..prominent? I got bored with it and the narrator was irritating to me. I get what she was trying to do adding issues and concerns with the police in foreign countries but sometimes I just want a cozy to be, well…cozy. Fun and frivolous and this was not. Didn‘t hit the spot for me.
This is on sale for $1.99! This graphic novel is about the wives/girlfriends/etc whose only purpose is to further the plot for the superhero and it‘s usually through some violent means. These are their stories that they haven‘t got to tell.
Second book in the historical mystery of the Kopp sisters. Constance is the first female sheriff in the early 1900s until there is a problem with her deputization. She makes a mistake costing her the job she loves and getting a demotion. We follow her as she tries to make it right and gain her badge back. I liked this book, it was fast paced and rooted in history (as can be seen from newspapers of the time) with a dash of fun. Recommend 👍🏽
This was a fun crime novel. I liked that it wasn‘t exactly a “cozy” mystery but it was a good and not graphic crime novel. That plot was good and the characters were all enjoyable although I did find Edwin a tad grating at times. Def recommended as an engrossing whodunnit
As much as I love Star Wars, I‘m finding it hard to concentrate on this book. I just haven‘t been impressed with the new era of High Republic. In other books and eras it has been many villains and adventures. This one however if feels like the same stories over and over. It‘s always the Nihil 🙄
I saw this on display at my library and picked it up. This was very short but I liked it a lot. It had great ideas and I‘m very excited to get trying some of these and my girlfriend might even assist too! This has some great ideas.
I throughly enjoyed this book. I liked her style so much I‘m hoping she writes more books! (And I‘m reading the other soon!) I was so happy with her commentary about Chernow‘s book as I quit a few chapters in with the same complaints. It‘s nice to not have a huge boring biography but something engaging even tho it‘s smaller. I like her not flossing over his Indigenous genocide as well-not many writers do that. Recommended #presidents
I could be nitpicking but I just hate seeing things like this-especially written by men. Now why couldn‘t it just be a book about two women or their story? Why is it reduced to the stereotype of gossiping women or cat fights?
The audiobook was not great, which is odd for SW. the narrator kept forgetting who was talking and who was narrating then would talk too quiet. I also didn‘t like how Vader was portrayed-as a kind of “fool” compared to Thrawn. I like Thrawn but he doesn‘t compare to Vader or outwit him. I also didn‘t find myself caring about the Anakin/Thrawn storyline. Just a meh book so far and I finally read a synopsis and I‘m off to try the new Thrawn trilogy.
This was a fascinating look at the 116 days leading up to the dropping of the bomb and a little bit after the drop. It was engrossing and I felt the anxiety leading up to it. I also feel like I knew the crew afterwards. Highly recommend if you are a WWII buff or even are curious about the bomb itself.
“This age old dualism-the worship of the divine feminine yet mistrust of flesh and blood women.”
“Our culture still-either overtly or subtly-presents women with a choice: you can be a good girl (gentle, submissive pure) or you can be a bad girl (empowered, embodied, sexual)”
Remarking on the story Adam and Eve.
It took me a bit to get into it but it was a good book about how Leia joined the rebellion and what shaped her as a princess. I loved Bail and Breha and we meet Holdo, which makes me even more sad about TLJ. If you don‘t know where to begin in this canon, this is a good starting point.
This was so so good, I can‘t recommend it enough! It took me a few tries to get going (a busy month so far!) and I‘m so glad I didn‘t wait to try it later. I had a few hours at work to read it..and omg I cried and I hardly ever cry at books! This was such a great book on friends, life, love, perseverance, and living life no matter what it throws at you. Wonderful book 💕
I read this book initially because of the main character with Down Syndrome. I thought it was unique as those voices aren‘t usually a protagonist. It started good but I didn‘t really like the story in the end. I think Rose would‘ve been a good character on her own being independent not just relying completely on Jack and him being the focus. The middle was also odd and unnecessary. All in all it was just ok but extra stars for having a disabled MC
1. I can‘t choose! It depends on my mood.
2. Imaginary Friend 🤮🤮 I think the one before that tho was Night Film and I liked it.
Drove down and bought this (I think volume 2 is out today) for MAY THE 4th!! Happy Star Wars Day everyone!
Drinking a half Irish cream, half white chocolate mocha latte while reading and waiting for my girlfriend‘s dental appointment. She‘s so much more brave than me getting that done 😣
What a fun book! I got it on a whim after seeing it in Libby. I was hooked. It wasn‘t a huge head scratcher, but I loved the friendship and trust that was built in the book. All the women in the book had great personalities and it was refreshing to have a mystery with people who grow close. Great for a cozy evening.
This book was excellent. Callahan put a lot of work into getting documents, interviews, and being fair to both sides. She gave credit where it was due but also criticized and pointed out mistakes made. I was impressed enough with her skills to read any other true crime she has written or will write. Creepy story of Israel Keyes‘ crimes across North America. Keyes is the guy who sent a ransom note with a pic of the dead victim with her 1/
Yaaasssss the library ordered Jenny Lawson‘s new book. It‘s hilarious so far! The above passage made me laugh so hard 😂
A fun and fairly quick read. This cozy mystery is the second in the series and it‘s not a huge head scratcher but it‘s just what I needed to keep my attention and cure my mystery hankering.