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Jack the Ripper: The Facts
Jack the Ripper: The Facts | Paul Begg
3 posts | 2 read | 7 to read
Using contemporary documents, police files, Home Office papers and newspaper reports, 'Jack the Ripper: The Facts' recreates the notorious crimes and police investigation of 1888 to provide the best available overview of the 'Great Victorian Mystery', the greatest unsolved, true crime story of all time. Written by one of the world's foremost authorities on the case, this is a completely rewritten and fully updated edition of Begg's classic title Jack the Ripper. It follows the crimes chronologically and records the most significant events, witness testimonies and aspects of the police investigation. As well as objectively examining the primary police suspects, Begg provides a fascinating and authoritative insight into related political issues and background events.
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Although a great deal of the original contemporary documents & files have now been lost, those that remain are here examined to see what they tell us about the thoughts of those investigating the crimes at the time. It follows the murders chronologically with a great deal of cross-referencing to provide an objective look at the killings. This is not a seamless narrative of the crime that reads like a novel. (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf This is a meticulous examination of the remaining physical evidence (letters, reports, interview transcripts etc) of the crimes of Jack the Ripper. There's a lot of additional information about the people named & events that occurred on the periphery of the murders contained in the references & I spent a lot of time flipping back & forth between the main book & the reference section.
OutsmartYourShelf It's definitely given me a lot to think about. This is definitely more of an academic style read & can be a little tough-going at times, but I found it worth persevering.

Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1377863926
Read 4th-7th Jan 2024

#ReadAway2024 #WinterClearDown #192025Challenge (1998)
@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
@Librarybelle @Puddlejumper
(edited) 7mo
Librarybelle Sounds very interesting! 7mo
Andrew65 Sounds an interesting read, if we only knew what did happen. 7mo
DieAReader 🥳Awesome! 6mo
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#Characters2017 #day16 #EvilPersonified Jack the Ripper was certainly evil personified in the Eat End of London in the late 1880s. Butchering five women and leaving their disfigured bodies in the street or in the case of Mary Kelly, in her boarding room. What was more terrifying is the fact he was never identified & never caught. Many theories have sprung up over the years but nothing has ever been proven. If what he did is not evil, what is?

LibrarianRyan 👍🏻🤓 7y
moranadatter I love your Halloween decor! In a few short weeks, it'll be Halloween in the craft stores. I can't wait! 7y
DebinHawaii Great pick! 😱👍 7y
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#octphotochallenge #day24 #classicmoviemonster I was planning on doing Dracula or Frankenstein for this one but my new copies,to replace my stolen ones, haven't come yet so I'm going with Jack The Ripper. He's very much a classic monster, even though he was human his actions were monstrous. The fact that it's 128yrs later & we still don't know who he was just makes him scarier. There's been some great movie versions of him.#giveascarybook

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