New strategy: disarm and distract potential allies' arguments by handing them a live chicken!
If the chicken “mutters suspiciously“ all the better! 😂🐔
Oooohhhh my god, where do I start? SPOILER FILLED RANT INCOMING!
I can handle multiple POVs, I can handle first, second and third person storytelling, I can handle flashbacks, dreamscapes, nebulous telepathic mindscapes. What I can't handle well is when it keeps shifting which character is told in first, second or third person!
I can handle sci fi world building.
Strap in, this is a long one. 1/?
I get that this author is setting up what I hope for their sake is a long running series, but you can't leave all the exposition for later books.
But really, those are just framing issues. Let's get down to the real nitty gritty.
The reason I'm so pissed is because I was so invested, for so long. And then it was just betrayal-palooza up in here. 5mo
And Sunai, who turned so many cheeks that it felt like he was in an abusive relationship with the whole goddamn universe, the reveal that Iterate Fractal designed him to challenge them, just, saw it coming and also incredibly 5mo
⚠️Body horror 5mo