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The Mummy! A Tale of the Twenty-Second Century
The Mummy! A Tale of the Twenty-Second Century | Jane Webb
49 posts | 3 read | 9 to read
Frankenstein wasn't the only classic horror novel created by a woman. Within a decade of the 1818 publication of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, another Englishwoman invented a foundational work of science fiction. Seventeen-year-old Jane Webb Loudon took up the theme of reanimation, moved it three hundred years into the future, and applied it to Cheops, an ancient Egyptian mummy. Unlike Shelley's horrifying, death-dealing monster, this revivified creature bears the wisdom of the ages and is eager to share his insights with humanity. Cheops boards a hot-air balloon and travels to 22nd-century England, where he sets about remedying the ills of a corrupt government. In recounting Cheops' attempts to put the futuristic society to rights, the young author offers a fascinating portrait of the preoccupations of her own era as well as some remarkably prescient predictions of technological advances. The Mummy! envisions a world in which automatons perform surgery, undersea tunnels connect England and Ireland, weather-control devices provide crop irrigation, and messages are transmitted with the speed of cannonball fire. The first novel to feature the concept of a living mummy, this pioneering tale offers an engaging mix of comedy, politics, and science fiction. Other books in the Haunted Library of Horror Classics series: The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux The Beetle by Richard Marsh Vathek by William Beckford The House on the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson The Parasite and Other Tales of Terror by Arthur Conan Doyle Of One Blood by Pauline Hopkins The King in Yellow by Robert W. Chambers
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In 2126 Edric Montague takes his tutor Dr Entwerfen to Egypt to test his galvanic battery by attempting to resuscitate the mummy of Cheops. Back in England, the country is gearing up to elect a new Queen, and elsewhere in Europe the new King of Ireland is invading Spain to restore the monarchy there.

I found it rather heavy going and overlong. The speculations from 1826 about life in 2126 were much more fun than the romantic melodramas.

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Effects of atmospheric pollution on the pyramids forecast in 1826

PaperbackPirate 😳😶‍🌫️ 3mo
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This month I for really real want to:

🗝️ read The Wind in the Keyhole for the #MonthlyKeyWordgxo challenge
🇪🇬 finish The Mummy!
☕️ finish Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing
📗 read my tba book club book

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Well I‘m not going to make my 20 hour goal but for a happy reason: I bought a new car yesterday!

It took up a lot of my Saturday but I still read
☕️ Friends, Lovers, and The Big Terrible Thing for 1 hour
(The Mummy! Is 680 pages-too big for my purse)
🇪🇬 The Mummy! for 3 hours
🟰 4 hours in 3 days

There‘s still time tomorrow!
#20in4 #Readathon
Thanks again @Andrew65 !

bthegood Yay for a new car 😊 1y
annahenke You‘re killing it! 1y
Andrew65 Fantastic news on the 🚘 Doing well on the reading too 👏👏👏 1y
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PaperbackPirate Thank you @bthegood ! I had my other car for 17 years so it was time! 1y
PaperbackPirate Thank you @annahenke ! 🙌 1y
PaperbackPirate Thank you @Andrew65 ! I liked my old car but it was definitely time for a new one! 1y
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If I want to finish The Mummy! in time for book club next weekend, I need to read #20in4!

Thank you for hosting @Andrew65 !


Andrew65 Great to have you with us, good luck with The Mummy. 😁 1y
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Wait what?
This book is a masterpiece. I love it. I'm mildly confused as to why there were family things at the end but oh my.

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It's about time I finished this.
Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom but now I'm just going to read til the end

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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
I'm still not caught up, but I have made progress! King Cheops is fast becoming a favourite character

DarcysMom You are doing awesome! I am going to be devoting a good chunk of time to it tonight. #needtogetcaughtup 6y
EllanaRose @DarcysMom - I honestly think I would have given up if I didn't have you to check in with lol oh and when you do get caught up, can you let me know what issue we are on? I started it a few days before actually reading it and I've lost track of where I should be 6y
DarcysMom Ha! I have no idea where we are supposed to be. If I can get caught up tonight, I will have a better idea. 🙃 6y
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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
I woke up too early so I thought I would catch up on this. Oh my.

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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
Her descriptions are so lavish, everything is so beautiful.
But poor Champion. I'm not crying, you are. It's hay-fever, definitely not tears. Nope.

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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
Not read anything in a few days, so it was good to catch up on this

DarcysMom I need to do the same. 😉 6y
monnielane I am loving Serial Reader! 6y
EllanaRose @monnielane - Isn't it great? I only discovered it thanks to Litsy. @DarcysMom - You'll get there, there's never any rush 6y
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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
I'm so tired, this is my pre sleep reading. I really want this to be popular so I can read some Lords Noodle and Doodle fanfic.
Half way through!

DarcysMom Noodle and Doodle fanfic would be fabulous! 6y
EllanaRose @DarcysMom - They're always with the other, utterly inseparable, and they have great names XD 6y
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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
I do find it interesting that they vote for their monarch.
I wonder who will be queen...

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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
I love the humour of this book!

DarcysMom Yes! That had me giggling this morning. 6y
EllanaRose @DarcysMom - I have to admit that I was expecting this to be a bit of a horror story, but it has so much charm and humour 6y
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Hooray for catching up! @SerialReader #buddyread with @EllanaRose

EllanaRose My turn to be behind! 6y
DarcysMom @EllanaRose I had to binge read 6 or 7 issues to get caught up. 🤣🤣🤣 6y
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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
I planned to sleep for an hour, and ended up sleeping for 9hrs. Oops.
I'm really enjoying this! I love the little insights you get into how she thought society would become.

DarcysMom Her future world innovations and ideas are the best! I love the message delivery system. 🤣🤣 6y
EllanaRose @DarcysMom - I love the air balloons for international travel and women in trousers XD 6y
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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
I wish she had written a book about the adventures of Lords Noodle and Doodle

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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
Hayfever is even worse today, this took almost an hour to read. I am so enjoying the story, I'm glad I have to wait each day to read it or I'd just binge the book.

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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
Oooh this got tense!
I'm very much suffering from the effects of hay-fever at the moment, so reading is slow.

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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
I know I usually share my progress but I couldn't resist sharing this part. It's quite a sad issue and then there's this moment.

DarcysMom I need to get caught up. I am a terrible #buddyreader this weekend. I promise I will vet back on track pronto. 6y
EllanaRose @DarcysMom - Oh hush, reading is meant to be fun, not a chore. Take your time! 6y
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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
I'm exhausted enough to count this as my pre sleep reading.
I sympathise with King Cheops, I too would mourn the kitty. Love the twist at the end of this issue!

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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
Ooh wow. Poor Queen! But what a shock ending to that issue!

DarcysMom Oh! I am excited to read this issue. I got stuck at the dentist's today (boo for root canals). 6y
EllanaRose @DarcysMom - I hope you feel better soon! 6y
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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
Women in trousers. Women in trousers! A century and a half before it became acceptable, women in trousers!

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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
Poor King Cheops!

DarcysMom I am still on today's issue. 🙃 6y
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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
Oh my. What a fantastic issue. I do feel a bit sorry for Samuel, he didn't ask to be in that situation

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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
That was absolutely worth the wait. Oh my.

DarcysMom Yay! As soon as I finish grading essays, I am going to read it. 6y
EllanaRose @DarcysMom - I thought it was quite tense, well worth the long wait! Have fun grading 6y
Clare-Dragonfly So the mummy has finally turned up?! 6y
EllanaRose @Clare-Dragonfly - Certainly has! 6y
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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
It only took fourteen issues but we are in Egypt!
... And there's imperial and colonial ideas. I'd expect it, it was written at the height of various empires, but yea it made me feel uncomfortable.

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@SerialReader #buddyread with @EllanaRose
Finally! Some mummy action. 😉

EllanaRose Woohoo 6y
DarcysMom @EllanaRose I got a day behind, but should he all caught up. I was wondering when colonial attitudes would rear their heads - and it looks like it took getting to Egypt for it to happen. 6y
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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
13 issues in and still no mummy. I'm reading in hope that we can meet the mummy soon, but I am enjoying the book. Seeing how she thought technology would be, and how much agency women have in this, kinda makes up for the lack of mummy. Kinda.

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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
OK so still no sign of the mummy yet, but I do love Mrs Montagu's staff. They are so well informed but Mrs M seems to know best.

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EllanaRose I laughed way too hard at that 6y
DarcysMom @EllanaRose I laughed and cringed a little. 😛 6y
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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
A little (a lot!) late today, had a huge amount of research to do.
I'm getting excited about the mummy, but the wait is so long! I'm enjoying the read, especially as it gives a glimpse as to what Jane thought things might be like in just a century from now.

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@SerialReader #buddyread with @EllanaRose
Finally! Edric is set on going to Egypt. How long will it take him to get there? The eponymous mummy is beginning to feel like a bit of a tease.

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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
Oooh I think the mummy is appearing soon!

DarcysMom I hope so! I am tired of waiting patiently. 🙃 6y
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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
Bechdel test passed! And thankfully Rosabella feels the same way as Edric. Still no mummy though.

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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
I'm reading my issues a bit later today, been having a nap because it's so hot. Anyway, the book. I do hope there's no wedding, I think it'd make everyone unhappy

DarcysMom I think Edric will hold to his convictions. 6y
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Finally! We may actually see a mummy soon. 😁

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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
Less mummy, and less agriculture this time. I'm definitely enjoying the characters and their relationships.

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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
Less mummy, more agriculture. Some new interesting characters at least

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Oh, Abelard. So very wordy.

EllanaRose I love him. I know a few people who are like that 6y
DarcysMom I am seriously considering using this quote in my composition classes as an example. 😁 6y
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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
Still not met the mummy, but I have hopes it will be soon.

DarcysMom Right?! At least the mummy has been mentioned! 6y
EllanaRose @DarcysMom - I couldn't agree more. It's exciting, ya know, building tension or something? XD 6y
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Buddy read on @SerialReader with @DarcysMom
I knew already there would be a lot of detail about farming. In fact, she met her husband because he loved the amount of detail she went into when it came to agriculture.
Didn't realise it'd be this early into the book. Great relationship forming already, I love it!

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Definitely a #blameitonlitsy choice. Thanks @EllanaRose for the inspiration.

EllanaRose Yay! Want to buddy read it? 6y
DarcysMom @EllanaRose Absolutely! I have read chapter one. How far along are you? 6y
EllanaRose Also first issue! 6y
DarcysMom @EllanaRose Yay! This is going to be so much fun! I already have tons of thoughts after the first issue. I will put them up once I am done with grading. 6y
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Waiting for my face mask to dry, so it's the perfect time to read an issue. I've been wanting to read this since I was 16, and over a decade on I'm finally reading it.

DarcysMom It looks interesting. I am going to try it and see if it breaks my serial reader slump.😁 6y
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In this 1827 sci-fi story, an ancient Egyptian mummy is brought back to life in the futuristic world of 2126 (filled with more than a few prophetic ideas of new technology). Recommended for fans of Mary Shelley‘s Frankenstein or The Last Man. Preview the first issue in Serial Reader: https://www.serialreader.org/preview/5a805fb4572ec73088f4f61f/the-mummy!/

rabbitprincess I like the sound of this one! 7y
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Anyone want to #buddyread this on @SerialReader with me? I've been wanting to read this since forever!
Written by a woman in 1827, this is a story of a mummy who travels to the 22nd century.