Currently reading Recursion (hooked!!) and so excited I got to meet Blake Crouch a couple of weekends ago. I didn‘t have my copy of Recursion yet, so he signed Dark Matter for me.
Currently reading Recursion (hooked!!) and so excited I got to meet Blake Crouch a couple of weekends ago. I didn‘t have my copy of Recursion yet, so he signed Dark Matter for me.
This little book was creepy and I couldn‘t put it down.
4.5⭐️ I don‘t know why it took me so long to read this. I loved Ng‘s writing and character development. This story broke my heart.
Quick read. She had me at the brooding Scottish physical therapist, not even going to lie. 3.5 ⭐️ for me.
Still can‘t believe I found these at my library‘s used book sale for $2.50 each! Made my whole day. #outlander
I loved this. It‘s more than Punjabi Widows writing Erotic Stories. It‘s about the immigrant experience, empowering women, duty and choice. I adored the relationships between women of different generations. I laughed out loud more times than I can count! I teared up. And some mystery thrown in as well. Pretty much all the feels.
How could I not buy this beautiful copy of Lonesome Dove in the library‘s used book sale shelves?! This book is amazing. I‘ve never been one for Westerns, but this book has my heart. I read it on my kindle several years ago, and have so badly wanted a nice hardback of it! Meant to be.
Car pick up line reading! I enjoyed Bird Box and this one is grabbing me so far. Carol “dies” repeatedly but it‘s actually a coma (no breathing, no heartbeat) and she comes back to life after a couple of days. Gold digging husband decides to pretend she‘s really died and bury her alive to be rid of her and get her money. OOOOHHHHH.
I happened to make some bread to go with our Italian wedding soup tonight. And I‘m between books. So of course I need to read Sourdough next! 🥖
I finished it, because it was a quick read and I wanted to see how it ended. But I didn‘t like Jazz as a character and I think Andy Weir doesn‘t know how to write a female protagonist/narrator. It was so annoying.
Okay, I lied! I‘ll get to Artemis later. Decided to dive in for a re-read of Middlesex. I last read this in 2003, 5-starred it, count it among my top ten favorite books. Then my book club friend selected it for this month‘s book and I realized I don‘t remember all that much about it! Still loving it, 200 pages in. #reread
Next up on this snowy morning — Artemis. My husband just finished it, now it‘s my turn. Also, be very jealous of my #strangerthings blanket! Hi, Hopper! 💙
My fourth Colgan read, and definitely my least favorite. I didn‘t dislike it enough to abandon it, but I really didn‘t care which of the love interests she wound up with at the end. I can usually fly through a Colgan book, but this one was more of a drag.
I‘m so torn. Certain elements had me turning the pages, but I never felt like enough of my questions were answered! I‘m still not sure what happened. And I honestly don‘t think I‘ll continue with the series. But I still want to see the movie? Maybe that will be more exciting than these 195 pages.
I love breezy Jenny Colgan books. Especially after reading something like Annihilation that left me really feeling WTF. I could relate to this quote. I‘ve left pieces of my heart in all the places we‘ve lived. #militarylife
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.5. I adore these Veronica Speedwell mysteries. I couldn‘t read it fast enough, but didn‘t want it to end! I have a massive crush on Stoker! I can‘t wait for book 4.
And next up... my most anticipated book of 2018! Take me back to Veronica Speedwell‘s world!!
I‘m torn on this. I gave it 3⭐️ and it was enjoyable, but I wanted a bit more. Loved the concept of people who age really slowly and are 400+ years old but look 40. I wish it had been fleshed out more.
T-minus 1 hour until the kids‘ bedtime! The it‘s full time book time. (Check out that Deborah Harkness blurb! Love her.)
color: a tie between 💜💚
season: fall, all the way 🍂
genre: fiction
hobby: aside from reading? cooking, trying new recipes
snack: nachos
drink: coffee!!
bookish item: my new grey bookcase
tagging: @ReadOrDieRachel
Bought my copy from Thriftbooks and there are DOG-EARED PAGES! I didn‘t know people really did that. The horror!
Up next! I‘ve really been looking forward to this one. #readyourshelves #rys2018 #readyourbookshelf #historicalfiction #readyourownbooks #readyourowndamnbooks
Super cute and a quick read. I still only give it 3⭐️ though. Maybe that makes it more of a so-so? I‘m still glad I read it!
Well, damn. This trilogy kept my undivided attention! Such a wild ride. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Husband bought and built me a 6-shelf bookcase for Valentine‘s Day (this bookcase will hold my to-read books in our bedroom). LOVE. #truelove #besthusband #toread #bookhaul #readyourshelves
Snowy Sunday! Staying warm with this book. #bookclub #readyourbookshelf #readyourshelf #rys2018
5⭐️ How I loved this! Laughed and cried. Heart-breaking and heart-warming.
How true this is! That‘s the England I also went looking for.
4⭐️ I was totally sucked into these stories (Eve‘s and Charlie‘s). It had me on the edge of my seat & I couldn‘t put it down.
4⭐️ A book club pick that I knew nothing about. Totally took me by surprise (I‘m realizing I love reading books with zero expectations) and I thought it was so sweet and charming.
Husband gave me all the books for Christmas! Ready for #readyourshelves in 2018. #christmashaul
The happy dance when my ebook library hold comes available! I‘ve been waiting so long for this one!
This has been on my list for aaaaages. Time to read it. #readyourshelves
Two of my library ebook holds came in at the same time! I‘m unsure of how much I want to read Lincoln in the Bardo. I‘ve heard the writing is a little hard to follow at first. Anyone read and loved it?
I was completely immersed in this story. I laughed, I cried, it gave me chills. 4.5⭐️
This is my (second) book club's selection and the library only carried it in audiobook format. My second audiobook, and I'm still not sold on the format, but I'm open to trying them more often. This made me wish for a physical copy, because it speaks SO MANY TRUTHS about the love of reading. So many passages to underline and highlight. Beautiful novella. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️#audiobook #novella
Library hold success! Everything else I'm reading is paused for now. Yes, I am reading 4 books simultaneously.