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Not Your Crush's Cauldron
Not Your Crush's Cauldron | April Asher
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In April Ashers next Supernatural Singles novel, Not Your Crush's Cauldron, a witch takes a stroll on the wildish side, sparking an alert that saddles her with her very own Guardian Angel . . . who happens to be her secret crushand new roommate. Olive Maxwell much prefers teaching about the supernatural world to taking part in it and leaves the magical shenanigans to her two sistersthe Prima Apparent and Bounty Hunter in Training. But after assigning her college students a project designed to nudge them outside their comfort zones, Olive realizes shes never once stepped a toe out of her own . . . and its about time that changed. Her first trip into the unknown? Moving in with her longtime crush, and friend . . . tattooed, motorcycle-riding, and pleasantly pierced Baxter Donovan. Bax Donovan, Guardian Angel not-so-extraordinaire, has acquired so many black marks on his record it looks like a Scantron test. Hes been given one last chance to keep his Guardian wings intacta high-profile Assignment he knows all too well. Olive is usually as low-risk as it gets. Hell, she wrote the safety manual. But something landed her on the Guardian Angel[NS1] Affairs radar, and he guesses it has something to do with the heart-pounding stunts shes determined to check off her Dare I Docket list. Keeping Olive out of trouble is about to be his toughest Assignment yet, and not because hes forced to shake the dust off his feathers and embrace his inner aerialist. Hes at real risk of shattering the only Guardian Angel code of conduct rule hes yet to break: Dont fall in love with your Assignment. And he isnt so sure thats a bad thing. If love didnt play by the rules, why should they?
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4 ⭐ This is the third book in the supernatural sisters, and we finally get to see the nerdy book, loving youngest sister, who is a professor get together with the guardian angel. We know she‘s a professor over at Harvard and she really wants to study having apprenticeships between human and supernatural societies to create a better understanding of both societies. However, things aren‘t going so well, and she needs to move into a new apartment.

LibrarianRyan Our guardian angel gives her space in his place. The problem is everybody knows these two have a hots for each other and just can‘t talk about it. And of course, moving in together means they become involved. The downside is that Box is given Olive as an official duty to guard. He tries to tell his boss we‘ve been friends we live together, but they‘re like do this or you‘re fired. You see Olive has decided she‘s going to do 10 things that are 3mo
LibrarianRyan scary. She assigned her students this project but thinks if I‘m going to give it to them why don‘t I do it myself. This book, of course involves sex, singing, doing crazy unexpected things, and things that scare you. This book is just like the others. It‘s cozy, it‘s a little spicy, maybe a little more than spicy… they get into piercings. But it is fun. I really like this series and I hope it isn‘t over because I really want the book about their 3mo
LibrarianRyan succubus friend.

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This one was my least favorite of the 3 books. The narrator was also super soft spoken, so I didn‘t really care for that. Honestly, I forgot there was a 3rd sister 😬. My favorite of this series will always be the 2nd one and Rose‘s story.


Olive is my favorite Maxwell sister.

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Olive and Bax are so cute together. Seeing them step out of their comfort zones together and growing into the people they were meant to become was quite lovely. What I don‘t understand is what did Olive do to warrant being assigned a guardian angel? I guess I was just anticipating some sort of true danger that ever occurred. I‘m hoping that Harper gets to have her story told. #netgalley

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Loved both Olive and Bax. Hoping Harper‘s book is next.

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#Rushathon #OutWithTheOldInWithTheNew #readathon #SeriesLove202

My 2nd-to-last book of the year is another #ARC that will publish in Feb. Book 3 in the Supernatural Singles series I read in October for #Scarathlon. This one focuses on the 3rd Maxwell witch sister Olive & guardian angel Bax. Like the other books, it‘s a cute paranormal rom-comish story, nothing earth-shattering but light & easy, so a soft pick. Start with the 1st book, tagged ⬇️

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 7mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 7mo
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