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College Girl, Missing
College Girl, Missing: The True Story of How a Young Woman Disappeared in Plain Sight | Shawn Cohen
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"This book is the heartbreaking story that every parent dreads... Cohen sheds light on what really happened the night Lauren was never seen again." —David Crow, author of The Pale-Faced Lie She visited friends. She walked to a bar. She was right there... until she was gone. College student Lauren Spierer was pursuing her dreams, joining her boyfriend at a party school eight hundred miles from home. Social and gregarious, studying fashion and rooming with friends, Lauren embraced her new adventure with the zeal of a young woman who suddenly had everything she desired. But there was a dark side that she and her inner circle kept secret. And one warm June evening, after heading out with friends, she seemingly vanished. When investigators retraced Lauren's last steps using eyewitness accounts and security camera footage, the evidence ended at the doorstep of a group of wealthy, well-connected male students. With original reporting including new testimony witnesses never shared with police, College Girl, Missing takes readers back to that fateful night and dives into the disappearance that captured front-page headlines around the world. Investigative journalist Shawn Cohen breaks more than a decade of silence as he pursues the truth: what really happened to Lauren Spierer?
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In 2011, Laura Spierer went out one night in June and has never been seen since. She was with a couple of guys during the night. One was the last to see her, but the case went cold. 12 years later, Cohen, who first reported on the case goes back to reinvestate the case. Will he turn up anything new?

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This is a true crime story about a college girl who disappeared. Lauren Spieler vanished from Indiana University. She was seen in public by witnesses and security camera and ended up in a townhouse complex with several wealthy, well-connected male students - never to be seen again.

EadieB The police investigation went nowhere and her body was never found. Was Lauren killed by her recent ex-boyfriend who was jealous? Was she killed by these new love interests who last saw her alive? Did an unknown person kidnap her as she walked home alone? Shawn Cohen has written this book with the ok from Lauren's parents. He is one of the original reporters from 2011.It contains information that was never released. 1mo
EadieB Shawn has talked wth friends of Lauren and other people involved in the investigation. Hopefully this book will convince some people to come forward with answers to what happened to Lauren. 1mo
DieAReader 🥳Great!! 1mo
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Crazeedi Can't imagine her family's grief with no answers 1mo
EadieB @Crazeedi Terrible! Lauren was an alcoholic and a drug user but she ignored her heart condition and did it anyway and I actually think she died at the boys house and I think they got rid of her in the dumpster and was afraid to tell the parents. Her ex-boyfriend was the one who took care of her at the time of her drinking and using drugs and she made him swear not to tell her parents. 1mo
Crazeedi @EadieB sounds logical if she was not well alread 1mo
EadieB @Crazeedi She was blacking out and totally drunk when she was at the boys house and they said they checked her out and allowed her to walk back home. 1mo
TheAromaofBooks You get so used to reading mystery novels where everything gets wrapped up in the end that it's easy to forget that there are real-life people out there who never get answers. So heartbreaking for her family!! And so sad for Lauren who never got the time to change to her life 😔 1mo
EadieB @TheAromaofBooks it is very sad but I do blame Lauren as she didn‘t pay attention to her heart condition. Sometimes the alcohol and drugs are so addictive that it leaves you powerless. 1mo
TheAromaofBooks When you are around 20 you think you know everything and will live forever. :-/ It's always tragic when someone doesn't live long enough to grow past that stage and gain a more realistic perspective. 1mo
TheSpineView This sounds fantastic. 1mo
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