After long thought I have decided to switch my book to a sequel to my first book that I read, Pretties. “Sometimes, it felt like being a real criminal had been much, much simpler.” (pg 6)
Tally, after sacrificing herself for the cause of the Smokey‘s, finds herself beautified in more ways than one. Who would have guessed that a beautiful mind could join a gang, find true love and attempt to escape back to the Smoke in this adventurous sci-fi (genre) novel. If you liked the first book of the series, you‘ll love this one!
After long thought I have decided to switch my book to a sequel to my first book that I read, Pretties. “Sometimes, it felt like being a real criminal had been much, much simpler.” (pg 6)
#mustreread #readingresolutions a series I used to read all the time when I was younger. Really want to reread them but probably won‘t get to it until next year.
Great sequel that adds complexity to the issues. I love how many different ethical and sociological questions are explored involving vanity, consumerism, violence, conservation, even insanity and the danger of crowd mentality.
I usually enjoy cold weather- good for warm drinks and curling up with a good book. But right now I'm still on a vacation hangover and feeling like I could have sat longer on a beach with a book instead #dreamingofawarmerclimate #readjanuary. This would have been a good beach book, but I read it on the plane instead. Tally is more assured now than in bk 1, and the action is quick and fun. #dystopia