The only King book I've started that I couldn't finish. #17stephenking #stephenking2017 #day12 #leastfavorite @Gayan @Josie
The only King book I've started that I couldn't finish. #17stephenking #stephenking2017 #day12 #leastfavorite @Gayan @Josie
#17stephenking #firstbookread I will be 44 tomorrow and probably did first read this about 28 years ago... @Gayan @Josie
When I was in junior high school, they let us pick books as prizes for doing well at the end of the year (from a predefined selection). I chose this as one of mine, making it the #firstbookread by Stephen King. I salute the awesome teacher who said, yes, this book with this cover is suitable for a 12 year old. I loved it. #17stephenking @Josie @Gayan