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IndoorDame We‘re on such a wavelength lately! ♥️♥️♥️ 2d
dabbe Oh, Mr. T. ... 💙💚💙 2d
TheSpineView @dabbe 👍🤩😊 2d
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TheSpineView 😍😍😍 2d
dabbe Mr. T. at it again ... 💙💚💙 2d
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Eggs 💙🩵💚 5d
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💛💛💛 5d
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😭My bargain $1.17 VMC was too good to be true. I flipped through the pages to discover a book heathen tore out pages 108-130. The seller offered a refund (which mournfully the $6 shipping was more than the price) or select another equally priced book from their site. So I‘ve ended up with this lovely Julia Chapman replacement. But I don‘t know what to do with my damaged copy. Any ideas? I can‘t bring myself to recycle bin a VMC…

julieclair Oh my.... who would do that? 🤷 It's a beautiful cover. Maybe frame it and set it on your bookshelf? 4w
Jess_Read_This @julieclair That‘s a terrific idea. I think I will do that. I was really crushed when I saw the missing pages. I was able to find another (pricier) VMC copy but it‘s a Penguin VMC. Which I know I‘m just being picky at this point and ought to be glad to have a copy at all. 😆 I really like your idea to frame the cover. It would look great on my bookshelf! 4w
rubyslippersreads Tearing out pages up is a travesty! 😡 4w
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IndoorDame So awful! Totally agree about the cover art! Also, I love trying blackout poetry with old books, but I feel terrible doing it even if I have beat up dimestore romances from goodwill, this would be the perfect thing to keep ripping pages out of for that or any other art projects. 4w
Sace My jaw dropped when I read about the torn out pages. I‘m so sorry about your disappointment. 😢 4w
LeahBergen Oh no!! 4w
julieclair I love @IndoorDame ‘s idea about blackout poetry or craft projects. And if you do those and/or frame the cover, please share a pic. Turn 🍋into lemonade! 😘 3w
Jess_Read_This @julieclair I will! I haven‘t had a chance to do anything with it yet. I‘ll have to google what blackout poetry is too 🤣 I‘m not the most crafty person. 3w
Jess_Read_This @IndoorDame Thank you for the tips! I‘ll do some googling on the poetry and look for craft ideas too 3w
Jess_Read_This @rubyslippersreads @Sace @LeahBergen Thank you for the commiserations. It was a true injustice to this book. 3w
kwmg40 The removal of the pages is terrible! But the cover really is lovely and makes the book worth keeping. 3w
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Salome of the Tenements | Anzia Yezierska
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Ah yes. 1923 NYC. Talking about Jews as foreign and overly sexual.
On the next page the author refers to the same character as “oriental.”

Classic racism.
There is nothing new in the world.

Texreader ☹️😠 4w
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Salome of the Tenements | Anzia Yezierska
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“Even downtown we got differences. Let me and the landlords wife go to the butcher store for meat. For who will the butcher pick out the fattest piece of meat? For me, who bargains herself every penny, or the landlords wife that pays him over any price he asks?”
Unintended bias is everywhere. Even in 1923.

Texreader Probably especially in 1923. We know what to call it now 4w
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IndoorDame ❤️❤️❤️ 1mo
dabbe 💙💚💙 1mo
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Selected Poems | Geoffrey Hill
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TheSpineView 💙💙💙 1mo
dabbe @TheSpineView 💙💚💙 1mo
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Salome of the Tenements | Anzia Yezierska
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Honestly, what were the freaking odds of finding this book.

It has no reviews on Litsy. It isn‘t mentioned in any of the other “also by this author.”

But there it was on a to be shelved used books trolley.

I‘m so excited. Talk about beshert!

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TheSpineView 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
dabbe 💙🩵💙 2mo
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