I get far too invested in Kelley Armatrong's characters. But I love it. Off to read the next story in the series. #73-2024
I get far too invested in Kelley Armatrong's characters. But I love it. Off to read the next story in the series. #73-2024
Oh heck yes, this book takes place in Leavenworth, KS and that where I was when I started it! I was pulled in immediately and enjoyed the wild ride. Plenty of interesting characters and good action. Told from multiple POV‘s and just a darn good mystery thriller. Book #73 in 2024
If you‘ve read the synopsis, then you pretty much know what the book is about. The first half was pretty predictable, but the second half was deeper than expected. I thought this was going to be a downer but ended up really liking it. Surprised by the LGBTQ+ tie in and loved how it was done!! Book #73 in 2023
Book #73
Another good read by Hawkins, though I was a bit disappointed by the lack of actual horror as mentioned in the synopsis - maybe I'm just too desensitized by watching true crime documentaries and reading thrillers, but the murders in the "murder house" didn't really seem all that horrific or murder-y. Otherwise, still an anjoyable read.
It took me a minute to get into this one, but I‘m glad I stuck it out. Two murders ten years apart, maybe more, a town that feels left behind-and slighted, and a boy struggling with his view of the world from where he stands…. It was hard to understand the connection between the three narrators at first, maybe something was lost in translation. But the ending was fantastic and the suspense was just right! Book #73 in 2022
It took me a minute to get into this one, but I‘m glad I stuck it out. Two murders ten years apart, maybe more, a town that feels left behind-and slighted, and a boy struggling with his view of the world from where he stands…. It was hard to understand the connection between the three narrators at first, maybe something was lost in translation. But the ending was fantastic and the suspense was just right! Book #73 in 2022
I avoided these books, and the related series for no reason but the hype. They couldn't possibly be that good! But when a fiendish friend found the series available on #bookoutlet (except one) I caved. Without having read a word I owned the entire series. I am now grateful for the bad influence of my friend because I am all in. Simon and Daphne were charming and enchanting. I only hope the rest of the series carries on the same.
I figured out some of the plot and the killers but it was still a great story. I enjoyed the history of the family and Lizzie‘s fervor in clearing her grandmothers name and “saving” the farm. I LOVED this book! Book #73 in 2021