#octphotochallenge #90stoyinbookform I was the hero of my nephew's bday party back in the day when I showed up with the right stuff. 😂 @LibrarianRyan
#octphotochallenge #90stoyinbookform I was the hero of my nephew's bday party back in the day when I showed up with the right stuff. 😂 @LibrarianRyan
How many Aussies remember these? I had the whole set of books ☺️ (the kinder surprise chocolate was better tho 😂)
In this tale Rumble the Redgum Yowie defends the red desert from a mean earth munching grumkin...
#90stoyinbookform: Yowie! #octphotochallenge
So I was a 90's teen and I always wanted to have one of these New Kids on the Block action figures 😂. And I didn't know they actually have an authorized biography ☺️ #90stoyinbookform #90stoy #octphotochallenge
#octphotochallenge #day17 #90stoyinbookform My son was obsessed with Nintendo when he was growing up, we only had 1 tv then & there were arguments over how long he could have his Nintendo64 hooked up to it. Mario Bros was a favourite & Zelda, he was fanatical about Zelda. Saturday mornings was him in his pjs, a controller in his hand & his little brother cross legged on the floor watching him play. He used to move with the controller, so cute!
Anyone else remember how great this fade was in the 90's? These shows were hot! However if I had realized they'd kill my MTV of all the music videos and eventually shift to all reality TV.... I might have been way less supportive and enthusiastic at the time this series hit the airwaves. #90sToyInBookForm #OctPhotoChallenge
My son contributed to today's #octphotochallenge: #90stoyinbookform. My hubby collected the turtles in the 90s and gave them to our son. Now he's a huge fan!
Oh man! The nostalgia!!!! #octphotochallange #90stoyinbookform @LibrarianRyan