Definitely a top book for the year ALREADY! 😆 Also a possible contender for #PieinLit Award nominee 🥇🥧 #OatmealPie #PieCharts #Jan2025 Book1
I would love to discuss this one. #LitsyToB? 😊
Definitely a top book for the year ALREADY! 😆 Also a possible contender for #PieinLit Award nominee 🥇🥧 #OatmealPie #PieCharts #Jan2025 Book1
I would love to discuss this one. #LitsyToB? 😊
An alien is sent to earth to inhabit the body of a mathematician in order to prevent his recent discovery from allowing human advancement into deep space travel. But the longer the alien spends on earth, the more sympathy and fondness he develops for his "family" and all of humankind (thanks in no small part to Emily Dickenson and the Beach Boys). This makes them infinitely more difficult to kill. Lovely start to the year. 4⭐️
#FirstBook of 2025
Goal = 100 Books -or- 35,000 pages
Complete #WiaN, #AsheCoNC, #ReadICT Challenges
Be a Tournament of Books Completist
Grow my Litfluence from 46227 to 70k? (Still not sure if I care)
Happy New Year 🎆
This was between a So-So and a Pan. The actual stories of UAP are super cool, but this book gets so bogged down by government acronyms, and bureaucratic bullshit, I struggled to follow along. (56)
⭐️: 2.5/5
Interesting quest space opera with really alien aliens and nicely drawn characters. I enjoyed her imaginative retelling of the grail quest.
Ooh! I like this one a lot! In some ways, it reminds me of Martha Wells's Murderbot in that the main character is a (partial) outsider whose perspective on Earth and our species and Americans even more specifically is more poignant because she lacks an expectation of shared humanity with those she observes. It asks the reader, who on the planet *isn't* a visitor here? This is one I want to mull for a while and perhaps gift to a couple of people.
The 5th wave is a post apocalyptical world where humans are no longer at the top of the food chain. Through the first four waves of an alien force‘s deadly attack ninety nine percent of the worlds population is gone and now Cassie has to find a way to survive. This book is told in first person but the person who‘s viewpoint it is in swaps back and forth. If I could compare this book to another book I would choose contagion by Teri Terry.
#TournamentofBooks #Shortlist
I‘m liking this list. I‘ve only read 3 and have 4 on my shelves and am interested in a bunch more.
What do you think of the list? What should or shouldn‘t be on there? Enquiring minds want to know.