Trying to catch up #backtoreading #anditsaugust days 12 & 13. Horror fits both #notyourusualgenre and #allaboutthatgore I found this exciting yet disturbing. Funny yet dark. #sidhe #horror
Trying to catch up #backtoreading #anditsaugust days 12 & 13. Horror fits both #notyourusualgenre and #allaboutthatgore I found this exciting yet disturbing. Funny yet dark. #sidhe #horror
I vaguely remember something about this book in highschool. I read it again last year and WHAT THE FRAK! Was it always so disturbing?
#AllAboutThatGore @JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
I've read various genres filled with gore but I think this wins because of the continuous gore as well as the addition of images.
@Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck
#BackToReading #day13 #AllAboutThatGore The first book in this series,And I Darken,was full of violence & quite graphic descriptions of beheadings,disembowellings & most of all,stakings where people have a sharpened stake shoved through their bodies.This book ups the gore factor,with the most detailed description I've read of the siege of Constantinople,the starving,the sickness & the despicable things done by leaders to shock & awe & the killing.
#backtoreading #allaboutthatgore
This series was the first that came to mind.
@Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck
#BackToReading #AllAboutThatGore
Stephen King and Nick Cutter were the first two that came to mind for this prompt. I love them both for their creep factors, the gore not so much. I'm a weenie in that department even though they're both good for it.
Charlee Jacob is another who is supposed to be pretty high on the spook and gore scale; however, I haven't read her stuff before. Any of you?
#allaboutthatgore #backtoreading @Tiffy_Reads I tried to make it look like a hand grabbing the knife but it looks weird lol