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Everfair | Nisi Shawl
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Today's #TreadmillRead. Also one of my #bklynbookmatch recs from Book Riot Live!

thec0zy Ooh I can't wait to hear what you think about it! 8y
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Bad Behavior: Stories | Mary Gaitskill
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My first recommendation from #bklynbookmatch ! I also got recommended The Piano Teacher by Elfriede Jelinek, State of Wonder by Ann Patchett, and The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly. You can get your own customized book recs by filling out the simple form at bklynlibrary.org/bookmatch with what you like or what you're looking for 😌 I think I'll do it again with different genres! (PS You don't even need a library card to use the service!)

britt_brooke Your photos are always so lovely! 📷💕 8y
Jokila Aww 😊 you're always the sweetest @britt_brooke ! 8y
britt_brooke ☺️ 8y
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White Teeth | Zadie Smith
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One of the coolest tables there was from the Brooklyn Public Library! They were offering book match - you filled out a form of what you liked, didn't like, and what you were looking for - and boy did they do a great job! I'm so excited to add all of these to my TBR!

#BRLive #LitsyRiotLive #BklynBookmatch

manifestsanity Love these #litsyriotlive posts! So envious of this swag. 8y
Jokila They did do a **great** job! I'm really excited to see what I find in their picks for me, because I have them some weird comps! 8y
erinreads I really loved Skippy Dies. It's been a couple years since I've read it, but I just saw it on my shelf the other day. Maybe a sign I should do a reread soon? 8y
Cinfhen Your posts are beginning to make me jealous 😒 happy for you but sad for me that I missed out😫 8y
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Landmarks | Robert Macfarlane
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pretty cool service from #bklynbookmatch

Everfair | Nisi Shawl
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My personalized recs from #bklynbookmatch. I asked for diverse sci-fi and fantasy like N.K. Jemisin's The Fifth Season. 😍 #BRLive

KarenaFagan Yes for Monstress! Such a great comic. 8y
emily_jkn @KarenaFagan I flipped through it at the Strand last night and am intruiged. I'm also amazed at the bookmatch librarians. How did they know I like steampunk? 8y
KarenaFagan Librarians are wizards, Harry. 😝 8y
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Goodbye Stranger | Rebecca Stead
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#BklynBookMatch managed to rec 4 books for me that I've never read! Anyone love one of these? #BRLive #BookRiotLive

CherylDeFranceschi I really enjoyed Kissing in Manhattan. Lovely and interesting structure. 8y
kathyellendavis LOVED Goodbye Stranger. Rebecca Stead is really talented. 8y
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I filled out a form with what I like and what I don't like and received four recommendations. I've already read one of them, so I'm feeling pretty good about the others. I plan to start with Spook. #bklynbookmatch #brlive

Laura317 I love it! 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Henrietta Lacks is fantastic also. Have fun with these! 8y
sherri @BarbaraTheBibliophage - That's the one I had read and enjoyed! Looking forward to the others. 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I just checked them all out too. Added Zami to my TBR - already had Spook on the list. So many great books out there!! (edited) 8y
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Core of the Sun | Johanna Sinisalo
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Thanks, Leigh at #bklynbookmatch for the recommendations at #brlive

outis All great choices! 8y
Shortstack Core of the Sun is soooooo good! 8y
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