Oh dear, can you say "clunker" boys and girls? ?
#Castle #CoK
Re-posting this from a month ago, this time for #BestReadsOf2017SoFar.
Although now that I've finished Marra's A Constellation of Vital Phenomenon, it definitely needs to go on here so if forced I'd bump, um, um, the Sudjic to make room for it.
(Buddy readers, please weigh in on my suggested change to #Castle for the hashtag - I certainly don't want to be the boss of y'all)
These chunksters are two of my three buddy reads this month (the third one is both tiny and an ebook) so, given my predilection for reading in cafes whenever possible, I guess I'll get some free weight training (if not a dislocated shoulder) too!
#CoK #DuikerBuddyRead
Got this doorstopper of a 650-page hardcover for 30% off at a Boxing Day sale. I am planning to read it for the Litsy reading challenge - set over 150 years ago - this one's set in 16th century what-is-now-Germany.