I really like this book. I found this book very interesting and I love the idea of time travel in this series. I loved the characters and the plot of the book. I rated this book a 3 out of 5 stars.
I really like this book. I found this book very interesting and I love the idea of time travel in this series. I loved the characters and the plot of the book. I rated this book a 3 out of 5 stars.
Come Lord Jesus! No. I mean it. Jesus get yourself over here and deal with your fan club. I identify as a Christian but I do not read Christian fiction because of trash like this. When your version of your God is so vile as the deity in this book you have lost the plot. I got it as the Audible deal of the day so I didn‘t look into it too hard. A time travel novel set in 1774 and 1914? Sounded cool. It was not. Hard pass.
Wow, what an incredibly insightful, richly rewarding, and unique book! I'm a fan of time-travel books and the premise of the book is unique; it drew me in from the start - a young woman on the cusp of her 20th birthday who lives in two separate timelines (1774 Virginia and 1914 England) but must choose which timeline to remain when she turns 21. You will cry and rejoice with Libby. I received the book via JustRead Tours and opinions are my own.
More research days #ColonialWilliamsburg #library #bookhaul! I went from just researching John Custis IV to also researching his son Jack, born of JC‘s slave Anne.
#BookHaul from the #ColonialWilliamsburg #library. I love research days. Not pictured: Williamsburg Area Residents Files on #JohnCustis and his family. #johncustisIV #amIactuallygettingpaidtodothisrightnoe
I love ghost stories. I often buy a book of local ghost stories and legends when I visit a place. This book started it all. #allhallowsread
The copy I own isn‘t #signed, but here‘s one at the #ColonialWilliamsburg #library. 😊
The first books I checked out of the #ColonialWilliamsburg #library! I didn‘t let myself get carried away! #bookhaul
#Shelfie at the John D. Rockefeller Jr. #Library in #Williamsburg! My first act with my new employee ID at #ColonialWilliamsburg was using it to access the stacks! 😍
George Washington‘s dog, Liberty, leaving the Visitor Center bookstore at Colonial Williamsburg #liberty #colonialwilliamsburg #everyoneisabooklover