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The Gallerist | Michael Levitt
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Perth-set art fraud mystery written by a surgeon, with a clunky, unbelievable romantic sub-plot.

Bloodless. Bone dry. This is a good thing in a surgical wound, but in a novel? No thanks.

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The False Prince | Jennifer A Nellson
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A quick read and easy to stay interested, but painfully predictable. It felt like a prince version of Anastasia. I felt myself rolling my eyes at the main character's actions and attitude too many times. I also didn't love the way the author intentionally waited to reveal certain details in a very "tell me" instead of "show me" style. We got to the final third of the book and all of a sudden the main character reveals a completely different story.

AvidReader25 @dabbe I need to get better at quitting books when I‘m not enjoying them! 2d
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This one is a pan for me. The book was fast-paced. However, none of the characters were likable. I finished it as I wanted to know how it ended but was left feeling "meh."

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Book of the Month | Jennifer Probst
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Throughout this fake dating romance, Aspen notes that the novels that followed her breakout debut lacked emotional depth. They were more skilled, better written, but heartless. That‘s how this book feels - devoid of authentic emotion. From a technical standpoint, it meets the genre conventions, but there‘s some truly terrible dialog, whole paragraphs that made me cringe, and don‘t even get me started on the completely ridiculous character names.

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The Voyage of the Beagle | Charles Darwin
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Don‘t read this book unless lots of animal death and racism don‘t bother you and you‘re just super into Victorian science. I‘m Brooke H on Goodreads if you want to read my full review. (And yes, I did read this entire book to prep for a trip to the Galapagos. Of which there was one chapter. So.)

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It's 1896. Bookbinder's daughter Florence has fallen from grace and needs to use a ruse to be allowed to work at Rose Hall in Lancashire as a bookbinder. Soon Florence takes it upon herself to find out whether the lady of the manor really killed herself.

The book was too woke for 1896 and it felt like the woke topics were crammed into the novel to tick the boxes.

Anachronisms and too much telling.

This novel needed more editing.

Caroline2 Argh. I have this on my kindle. But it sounds v disappointing!! 3d
julesG @Caroline2 I hope you got it for 99p. The story has good bones. Give it a try, you might not be annoyed by the anachronisms. 3d
Caroline2 Anachronisms always piss me off. Esp if it‘s from a modern woke perspective. 3d
julesG @Caroline2 then you might want to skim the book 3d
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Other Birds: A Novel | Sarah Addison Allen
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A novel about ghosts, abuse, absent family, and found family. Nothing deep and nothing new. Charaters' pasts feel more like a plot device than truly being explored. 2 🌟

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I hated most things about this book. In fact I believe my ratings of other books were based on comparison to this one 😂. Our panel reviewed it here


If you liked it, do me a favor and drop a comment in our blog with your review. I like there to be a diversity of view points in our reviews but none of us liked it. #bookerlonglist2024

BarbaraBB It‘ll be my next read but somehow I expect to end up with the majority here! 5d
JenP @BarbaraBB I do hope you like it. It was very painful for me and I don‘t wish that on you 😂 5d
Graywacke @JenP i took you up on the suggestion and commented on the blog link 🙂 I liked it more than you. 5d
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Graywacke @BarbaraBB it demands slow. You might like it. It has some real appeal. 5d
JenP @Graywacke appreciate it. I mentioned you specifically bc I saw that you enjoyed it more than we did. I do think it was very well written but simply a bad match for me. 5d
JenP I didn‘t rush thorough it honestly. I read it when the list was leaked so I had some time. For me this was like a way less superior In search of lost time (in terms of style, descriptions of the mundane) and my biggest issue was that it felt very emotionally sterile (until the end). 5d
BarbaraBB Thanks for the heads up @Graywacke 🤍 5d
squirrelbrain I just commented too…. 5d
JenP @squirrelbrain thanks! I didn‘t tag you bc I think you had picked “so so” for your review of it but it‘s good to have some positive reviews up on the blog. Usually we are much more mixed in our reviews but two of my panel abandoned it lol 5d
charl08 Still to read this one. 5d
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This book was terrible.
*Horrible things are happening throughout the book*
MC: I must be dreaming this all up.....
And then me:(rolling my eyes)

This story was all over the place, and I just felt like nothing was really happening even though there would be climatic parts. Eventually, everything just fell flat and made no sense. Even though i highly anticipated this read, I would not recommend this book.

LiteraryinLawrence Oof, sounds like you took one for the team. 6d
KateReadsYA @LiteraryinLawrence Oh yeah! Big disappointment, sadly. 6d
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People in Glass Houses | Jayne Castle
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This was just flat. The story was not interesting, the plot wandered, and there was precious little chemistry between the main characters.

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