Flying along in the #24B4Monday Readathon. Just passed the halfway mark, and I‘m currently sitting at 12hr, 30 mins.
Just watched the trailer for #FlowersInTheAttic and man, is it cringeworthy. Not sure if I‘d make it through the movie.
Flying along in the #24B4Monday Readathon. Just passed the halfway mark, and I‘m currently sitting at 12hr, 30 mins.
Just watched the trailer for #FlowersInTheAttic and man, is it cringeworthy. Not sure if I‘d make it through the movie.
I broke my book buy ban. Yesterday‘s book haul. ❤️
#bookhaul #books #reading #readingchallenge #2019readingchallenge #baking #queenofairanddarkness #twodarkreigns #towerofdawn #TheRoomOnRueAmelie #MySweetAudrina #FlowersintheAttic
Even though I did actually like this book and plan on continuing with the series, it was a challenge to spend a six hour coach journey reading this without pulling this expression. Also an achievement restraining myself from drop kicking the book every time the grandmother appears.
Gotta love VC Andrews!
#vcandrews #flowersintheattic #guiltypleasurebooks