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Reading along with @peanutnine and the #Pemberlittens group was a lot of fun. This was a great mystery and I liked the twist that the victim hadn‘t yet been killed. I love our two leads and can‘t wait to read more about them.

mcctrish She almost died so many tragic deaths 4h
peanutnine Yes I liked the comment that it was their most successful case because no one was killed 😅 4h
Bookwormjillk @mcctrish 😂 😂 😂 4h
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Ch 25: And they all go home! Jonathan and Juliet wish to visit at Pemberley soon even though their fathers disapprove. Courting practices in this era are so frustrating!
I thought the mystery in this one was not as intriguing but overall I enjoyed the characters. I hope the next in the series is set at Pemberley so we can revisit with the Bingleys. Who do you think will be the next victim?

BarkingMadRead I hope it‘s someone new, although the first two were characters we‘ve Met before 1d
Librarybelle I hope we go to Pemberley too in the next one! 1d
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kspenmoll Please add me to your upcoming list. 1d
Bookwormjillk I hope Wickham faked his death last time then dies again 🤣 1d
CatLass007 I enjoyed this one just as much as the first two, although the mystery in this one just seemed to get solved by accident. @Bookwormjillk I think that‘s a fantastic idea! 1d
StayCurious Thanks for hosting this great read! Looking forward to the next! 1d
Deblovestoread Yes to Pemberley! And 1000 deaths for Wickham 😂. Thanks for hosting💜 1d
peanutnine @BarkingMadRead a new character would be good, we're running out of baddies from the original books lol @Bookwormjillk 🤣🤣 Wickham deserves all the deaths! 1d
mcctrish Pemberley for the next one yes please!!!! Who can we kill? 1d
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While I did not enjoy this one as much as the prior books, it was still a fun read. Charlotte‘s portrayal was harsh, but Lady Catherine‘s was very accurate, I also loved the interactions with Tilney!

Thanks for leading us through this book, @peanutnine ! And, thanks to #NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

peanutnine Tilney and Elizabeth together were great! I agree about Charlotte, she seemed to have grown very cold which is a shame 1d
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I loved this book! Thanks for the fun buddy read @peanutnine I can‘t wait for the next in the series

peanutnine Yay! Yes looking forward to the next installment! 1d
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Book 152 of the year.

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Ch 24: Mrs Jenkinson! 😱 The will was a big clue after all. Lady C lets her go without a reference or recent wages - do you think that's a fair punishment?
Deb's falling sickness is revealed and Lady Catherine shows a surprising amount of compassion.
@BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk @mcctrish @CatLass007 @kspenmoll @Librarybelle @StayCurious @rubyslippersreads @Deblovestoread @RosePressedPages @quietjenn @Crinoline_Laphroaig @DebinHawaii

Librarybelle I was surprised by the compassion, but the reasoning behind it makes sense. As for Mrs. Jenkinson, a life without references or home is definitely a punishment. It‘s not jail, but she will have to atone for her attempts on Lady Catherine‘s life. 2d
CatLass007 I have to say that that Lady C‘s compassion and even affection for Deb and his sister, was a huge surprise. But as @Librarybelle said, the reasoning behind it makes sense. 2d
BarkingMadRead I almost feel bad for Mrs J. Putting up with LCD can‘t be easy! 2d
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Bookwormjillk Was not excepting to like Lady C after this chapter! 2d
Deblovestoread Lady C did surprise me a bit and Mrs J traded a not easy life for one of total hardship. 2d
StayCurious I didn‘t guess the culprit until very close to the reveal. This was a great mystery! 2d
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Ch 23: this fire was set on purpose and difficult to escape. Elizabeth carries Lady Catherine out in a piggyback! What a sight 🤣 Luckily Juliet remembers that it is laundry day and they use the water and wet sheets to put out the fire. Before Lady C imposes herself on the Collins' home, Jonathan and Juliet reveal the culprit of the attacks! But what was the motive? 🤔

BarkingMadRead Crazy! I would have left LCD in there 🤣 3d
Deblovestoread The picture in my head of Lizzie carrying Lady C is priceless! Lizzie now owns her a**. 😂 3d
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mcctrish @BarkingMadRead her ankles were exposed, she will have to kill herself 😆 Elizabeth is a super hero 👏🏻👏🏻and @Deblovestoread E absolutely owns LCdB‘s ass now 3d
Librarybelle Lizzie is awesome! 3d
StayCurious Did you see her hem though? It must have been six inches deep in mud! 😜 3d
Crinoline_Laphroaig Lizzie and the piggyback ride was my absolute favorite! 3d
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Ch 22:Jonathan & Juliet ask about Lady C's will again but find no new information. Anne informs her mom of their plans to move to Bath. Lady C is upset but Anne stands up for herself! Elizabeth & Tilney discuss the desirability of a match between Jonathan & Juliet, while the two finally put the Bamber nonsense to rest. They interview everyone again & Fitz's comment about Daisy's husband seems to give them a breakthrough in the case, but then fire!

BarkingMadRead Go Anne go! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 4d
Librarybelle We ended on a big cliffhanger! 4d
StayCurious I can‘t wait to see how it ends! 4d
mcctrish The will questions lead nowhere, again. Is LCDB just being targeted cuz she‘s a cranky old lady? No real reasons yet or suspect(s) 4d
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Ch 21: Jonathan unsuccessfully chases the assailant. Lady Catherine has finally had enough and decides she must leave for Pemberley, but Juliet talks her out of it since the culprit would probably be able to reach her there as well. The two decide to question the servants again to see if anyone was forced to conspire. The Fitzwilliams ask Daisy to come to Bath with them as their new housekeeper

mcctrish I‘m still so confused to who it is BUT Jonathon is the first person to see/hear someone ( I thought that lead up to his chase was weird - like it‘s amazing they can walk briskly cuz they are groomed to be idle ) 5d
peanutnine @mcctrish yeah that whole explanation about exercise felt so random 4d
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