I loved Butch & Marissa‘s story in Lover Revealed.
#bookquote #jrward #loverrevealed #paranormal #romance
I loved Butch & Marissa‘s story in Lover Revealed.
#bookquote #jrward #loverrevealed #paranormal #romance
I don‘t know why so many reviewers call Butch and Marissa “whiny” in this book. Clearly those are people who have never been abused, shunned, relegated to the sidelines in their lives. Both Butch and Marissa had a lot to work through from their pasts before they could come together in the end. This was another great Black Dagger Brotherhood story. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
It‘s hard to pick a favourite, but it really might be Wrath. He‘s the greatest king ever!!!
#jrward #BlackDaggerBrotherhood #LoverRevealed
I‘m so excited to reread Butch‘s story. This is another one I vividly remember parts of. I think I mostly remember what is quite possibly the most dramatic point of the story, but feeling like I remember a lot of the story (like the last time) generally means I‘m going to be surprised a lot.
#jrward #BlackDaggerBrotherhood #LoverRevealed