How interesting that in Hungarian we actually call it röntgen instead of X-ray. It's like for blood pressure we use the abbreviation RR after Riva-Rocci (easy to confuse with respiratory rate if your brain is half English 😄)
How interesting that in Hungarian we actually call it röntgen instead of X-ray. It's like for blood pressure we use the abbreviation RR after Riva-Rocci (easy to confuse with respiratory rate if your brain is half English 😄)
Ella Fitzgerald is one of my favorite singers. I don‘t know much about Marilyn Monroe, so it was interesting and sad to learn more about her life. I was impressed with how strong Ella was. She stayed away from all alcohol and drugs, in contrast to Marilyn who struggled severely. She stood up for herself professionally and personally, despite race and attractiveness. Both struggled with difficult childhoods, men, and fertility.
Haven‘t finished a book in what feels like months, so I‘m trying to plug along with my epistolary journey. I‘ve had to read this one on my computer because it shows the actual pages of her journal and I couldn‘t see it on my kobo. Only downside.
Can't We Be Friends by Denny S. Bryce and Eliza Knight was a great read! It's a deep dive into the unlikely friendship between two mega stars at the height of their popularity, Marilyn Monroe and Ella Fitzgerald. The research is phenomenal and the storytelling is compelling. I really enjoyed reading about Ella who I knew litte about. If you are a fan of either, you'll love this book.
#bookreview #Cantwebefriends #dennysbryce #elizaknight
Switching gears with my reading this week, going from Sci-Fi to Historical Fiction. I'm taking a dive into a friendship between Marilyn Monroe and Ella Fitzgerald. It's a fascinating peek into the lives of two magical women. I already love it!
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#marilynmonroe #ellafitzgerald #cantwebefriends #dennysbryce #elizaknight
Third prompt completed for #readyourTBR challenge
#2024challenge @melissajayne
Good. Takes an in-depth look at not just the final days and death of Marilyn Monroe but her whole life. Even though I enjoyed this there were some chapters that I skipped due to information that I felt just dragged the story down and wasn't relevant. Also sometimes during chapters that I did read some parts felt like it was also going off on tangents.
#SundayFunday #tattoos #books #read #MarilynMonroe #HarukiMurakami
Cool question! - But no, none. I have three tattoos atm and have planned more, but no book related ones till now. The tattoos I have and the ones planned are quotes by Marilyn Monroe, song lyrics and animals.
This was a really good read. At times I felt desperately sad for her, and, depressingly, I could relate a little to her mental health struggle. I realised I knew shockingly little about her life and death, and the author's investigation was fascinating. ⭐⭐⭐⭐
This book was haunting to read. Whilst is not a new release it was new to me and this #chunkster enthralled me. What makes this book about this woman different from others it's her own narrative. Truly recommend this one if you're looking to read a nonfiction title. #bookspin @thearomaofbooks