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Clockwork Princess | Cassandra Clare
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Happy Monday Everyone 🌼
Have a nice week!


#LitsyLove #MondayVibes

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#MondayMorning started with #cappuccino and #LitsyLove ❤❤☕💌
Thank you @starlight97 for your beautiful letter. I'm impress with your handwriting. It is really beautiful😍
Will respond to your letter next month.

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheBookHippie
#litsyfun #penpal #mondayvibes

StaceGhost This is so cool! How did you get a Litsy pen pal?! That‘s so lovely 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @StaceGhost we are a huge international pen pal group called #LitsyLove!! If you‘re interested email me your name, username, address, and birthday! Loverofbooks75@gmail dot com 4y
maich @StaceGhost I just join this pen pal group and already received 2 beautiful letters.❤ I'm so happy to join this group. 4y
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StaceGhost Omg thank you yes!!! 4y
starlight97 I'm glad it arrived and that you liked it! 🤩😊💌 4y
maich @starlight97 Thank you again😘😘❤ 4y
starlight97 @maich you're very welcome 😊😚 4y
maich @starlight97 ❤❤❤ 4y
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Angels and Demons | Dan Brown
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“Religion is flawed, but only because man is flawed” - Dan Brown

Taking a step back with this read. I had dove into the world of the Da Vinci Code not long ago, and was pleased to come across another one of Dan Brown‘s books. It‘s been on my list for a while now.

There is no better way to start off the week, than with a thriller that is guaranteed to keep me on the edge of my seat.

Has anyone read this one?

#mondayvibes #latenightreading

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Every minute I listen is one more minute I'm convinced the Jim Jones was a complete and total psycho. #mondayvibes #audiobooksmakingmondaybearable

angrylilasian I want to read this but then I don't because diving deep into a mind like his might scar me for life. 😝 7y
HotMessJess I've always been fascinated with cults and serial killers- so interesting!! 7y
Ashley_Nicoletto @angrylilasian I recommend it. It's been really interesting, but there has been multiple "what? You've gotta be kidding me moments?" He's mostly just a giant hypocrite psychopath. ? 7y
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The Black Witch | Laurie Forest
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Desha 😂😂😂 7y
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Infomocracy | Malka Ann Older
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#MondayVibes. Today is EXTRA MONDAY today since it's the day before our big election. So if anyone needs me, I will be hiding in bed with a new book and a giant expressive mug of coffee that says what I'm thinking if you try to talk to me about politics today. 😂

TheNextBook I need that cup! 😂😂😂 8y
Seekingtardis Yes yes yes!!!!! 😍🦄 8y
Wilkie I'm sick of it and I live in Europe. I can't imagine what you guys are feeling. 😳😩 8y
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Cinfhen Ha, that mug is flippen awesome 😍 8y
Eugeniavb Omg I want that mug 8y
BookishFeminist @Wilkie Yep! And I'm in Washington DC of all places ITS EVERYWHERE. 8y
BookishFeminist @TheNextBook @Seekingtardis @Cinfhen @Eugeniavb If I run across the mug I'll let you guys know where to get it. 😂 it's from my sassy drinkware collection that my friends keep getting me, lol. 8y
readinginthedark I have one that says, "I do not spew expletives. I enunciate them clearly. Like a f*cking lady." ? 8y
angrylilasian I wish I could do the same! I'm at work with my headphones on, trying not to have an anxiety attack. 8y
TheNextBook @readinginthedark that is perfection! 8y
saresmoore A to the men. Err women. Whatever, agreed. 8y
BookishFeminist @readinginthedark @TheNextBook I made a cross stitch that says that! It's on my bookshelf. 😂 8y
BookishFeminist @angrylilasian OH NO! Power to you. May you have peace and quiet the rest of your day and no anxiety attacks. 😘 8y
BookishFeminist @saresmoore 😂 exactly!! 8y
NerdyRev That is my next read too! Great minds! 8y
readinginthedark @BookishFeminist @TheNextBook Nice! Mine was a birthday gift from my husband. 😆 8y
KVanRead Amen!!!!! 8y
Blair_Reads Haha great mug! 8y
britt_brooke That mug! 👌🏻👌🏻❣️ 8y
kdwinchester Oh yes. That mug. 😂😻 8y
moranadatter Only a few days to BR Live. Sending happy thoughts about books your way. 8y
BookishFeminist @NerdyRev Awesome! Great minds indeed. 😀 8y
BookishFeminist @britt_brooke @kdwinchester One of my favorites! Lots more sassy mugs where this comes from. 😆 8y
BookishFeminist @kmdartist Can't wait! Sending happy bookish thoughts right back at you. Only a few more days until we can hang out and talk about books! 😀 8y
vivastory How is the book? I have it on my sci-fi TBR. 8y
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