Beautifully creepy!
It just took me out of my comfort zone. I certainly wasn't expecting these turns, all of them. Wonderful read!
Beautifully creepy!
It just took me out of my comfort zone. I certainly wasn't expecting these turns, all of them. Wonderful read!
Romantic and fun!
I had the most fun reading this book, thank you so much, I really needed this. A fascinating story that cheers your moment!
Beautifully written story!
So much has been lost just because we still don't know how to reach out, how to respond with kindness, how to survive the unexpected. This is what this story is about, love, resilience, and forgiveness. This is one of those hard to overcome books, hard to forget without feeling the sadness and gratefulness for reading it. Ambiguous but true. A perfect read! #Continued
Pub.Date: 20.Jan.2022
"I do not expect to be capable of expressing what I have felt for this book while reading it, is so much, betrayal, exasperation, anxiety, hope and most of all love. Is amazingly great! The kind you just wont let go until it ends." #BookReview #January2022
I'm proud to have picked this book & that it is my first book of the year. I've enjoyed every tale, they've made me laugh with joy as I remembered my Abuelita. There was one of the tales in particular that hit me the most, the one about Ariela. I'm Ariela. My purpose is Ariela's achievement. Somehow I can't bear to disregard hope after reading about Ariela and her daughter.
#BookReview #MestizaBlood
A very special book, a girl in an adventure she doesn't want to, but she must be able to save her only family member alive. The main character I believe has to deal with more than a normal person in her situation and time will be able to handle but she does her best and clears up the problems.
I couldn't let the year pass without letting you guys know how important has this been for my recovery. I'm doing much better, still @ home but now with a new job & more positive than ever. This board is beside my bed, is a reminder of love and kindness. I'm so sorry I can't answer every one of you properly but I will, and hopefully, it will be soon 🙏 For all the love you have sent Thank you, thank you so so much! 💚
#LitsyLove #HappyNewYearPost
And life happens. That is what this book is about, life and all the beauty in it, the hard times we go through, and the very bad choices we need to make along the way.
A very fast read and unexpected events happen, couldn't put it down one second. I can not find a better book to finish my 2021 reads.
📑This ARC was granted to me through NetGalley and approved by GenZ Publishing, in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!
Every family is a world," someone told me once, and yes indeed, families are a very complex little piece of the world trying to cope with society's rules and stereotypes no matter how hard.
Nice plot, like the fact that has different points of view but it was a very slow narrative and something was missing, I still don't know what.
?This ARC was granted to me through NetGalley and approved by Bookouture in exchange for an honest review. Thank y
The holidays season is here, for some of us is a hard time especially when a piece of our heart is not in this world anymore. I wanted you to know you are not alone, we're in this together. Please stay strong, get a book and find somewhere to hide -I usually do that any time of the year- and have some peace of mind to ease the heartaches. Hug your family & friends, send them your love if you are not able to be together 💚 #LitsyFamily #BookReview
Well, this audiobook was not planned, since I am working now -at home of course- I renewed my audible subscription 😅 This was my first pick.
I want to read it, I think I'll enjoy it more.
P.S. It feels so good to be back on track 💚
#iamreading #audiobook #DecemberRead
Hello everyone!
Hope you all are great and safe.
I am slowly recovering, I went outside today, yay! I felt weir, but I guess after almost 2 years inside the house I am allowed to feel like that.
I just finished this ARC, totally recommended, will be out on the 1st week of January 2022.
Hugs to all, I am sending good vibes and blessings!
💚Ellie M.
#iamreading #TheWomanWhoCameBacktoLife #BethMiller #NetGalley
Hello! I hope everyone is safe 🤗
Here is my review of this ARC:
Dreams come true. Dreams of a common person like you and me come true. Book devotees, and beautiful messages. This is in a few words what I found in this book
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
#MeetMeintheMargins #NetGalley
I was so thrilled to be granted this wish that I do not now how to explain what happened. I will just state that this book was no made for me. I don't know why I expected something different. Thank you so much for granting the wish.
📃 This ARC was granted to me through @netgalley and approved by Pen & Sword
Thankful, this book made me feel thankful from start. Thankful for my body, my strength, my peculiar appreciation of life, especially mine. Thankful for having what I have & what I don't have too. This book makes you realize life from the other side of the highway. It slaps you in the face hard once, twice, & many times more, with the only purpose of giving you the chance to realize how good your life is. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
🤩🤩🤩🤩 In case you haven't seen this!!!
#TerryPratchett #NeilGaiman
Hello #LitsyLove Family, I hope you've an idea of the meaning of every card you've send me. I tried to reply to all of you tonight, I hope I didn't miss anyone 😓 I took this pic so you can see how wonderful this is 🥰 the red notebook is my book journal, I started it no long ago, I found no better place to place all your letters 🤗
Please remember I sent you an email, the subject is 'Hi' or 'Hi #LitsyLove' 🥰
Hugs and kisses to all of you 💕
📖 I simply fell in love with this book. I will definitely get my paperback edition. I need to have it on my shelf📖
#jennycolgan #bookbuddy
Hello dear ones!
📖 I finished this book this week, so perfect for a summer read -even if you don't go to the beach-
#NetGalley #greeceactually #sueroberts
One of the books I'm reading "got me at hello", I live Jenny Colgan, I have enjoyed every book I have read of her, so far this one is no exception.
Happy reading dears!
Good morning everyone!
I wish a better week for all of you.
📖 I started not rating the books with the stars 🙃 but commenting on them, in honor of all those new writers out there. Inevitably, I will have to rate them on Goodreads and NetGalley but not on other social media 🤗
Happy Reading 🥰
Hello everyone!!!
I finished this audiobook today, it's amazing!!!
Happy reading everyone!
#NetGalley #CallMeAthena #ColbyCedarSmith #LitsyLove
I just finished this book this afternoon, I cried, I laugh, cried and laugh again, a lot!!!! Gosh!
#Friday 🥰
#LitsyLove ✉🥰
#homesweetmess 📚
#NetGalley 🤗
It was not what I expected at all, but the message it's what matters to me this time.
Sorry again for not being here, active and you know giving love back.
I'll post some reviews of the books I've read lately. Most of them very good.
I'm so glad I listen to this audiobook. I definitely would like to have the print copy of this one.
Happy reading everyone! 💙📖💙
#Audiobook #JuneReads
I need to talk about this book but I was cut to pieces, so real, so much truth. Gosh how cruel society is, how cruel humans can be.
- Not reading a thriller ever again!!!! -
Happy reading everyone 💙📖💙
💙📖💙 This is going to be a very long night, can't stop reading this one!!! 💙📖💙
#MaryKubica #PrettyBaby #SaturdayReading
Happy Saturday/Sunday Reading Everyone!!!
I really hope all of you are safe and healthy.
🍵 Always, always, always remember KINDNESS makes a difference and guess what? IT COMES BACK TO YOU! (IDK, my mamá told me so...) 🍵
Take care 🌼
I love the way she uses poems or just other writers phrases/verses. It says a lot of #CassandraClare
Happy Weekend Reading Beautifuls💙📖💙
Stay safe.
I hope you all have a great week.
Pls take care.
Hello everyone, just finished this book, book 4 of The Kitchen Witch Series.
Totally recommended!
Happy reading 💙📖💙
P.S.: I'm still pretty sick, sometimes I can't even read. I'm trying hard to be my self, don't want my kids worry. Doctors still don't have a clue about how long it affects the Covid19 sequels. Will do some test soon, don't know what's going to happen, just hopping for the best. Take care!
Hello Dear ones! Have you ever read a book without knowing the genre, it's the first book of the writer and you say 'why not'?
It was a great adventure to read this book, it definitely change something in me.
Happy reading 💙📖💙
Hello! This book is amazingly good if you as a person feel trap in societies must and must not do.
P.S. Ladies, Just go for it! Failure it's another form of experiencing life, don't stop, don't let anyone stop you!
Hugs everyone 💙📖💙
#JennyColgan #Mayreads #HappyReading
I'm having the most fun with this book. 💙📖💙
Happy reading everyone 📚
#JennyColgan #Litsylove
Hugs everyone!
Please reach out if you need to, do not hesitate about it.
Happy reading 💙📖💙
Sometimes two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together.-AUTHOR UNKNOWN
#CurrentlyReading #ColleenHoover #Slammed #Book2
This series is great, fun and misterious, besides if you're reading long, intense books, this one is short and relaxing 😊
📚 Happy World Book Day Litsipians📚
Wow! What a wonderful book! And she has my country's coffee on the Menu, such a small country, it's the first time I read about it in a book (fictionally speaking 😉) Totally reading all her books 📚💖📚
Hugs every one 💙
Wow! This book guys, it's just amazing! I'm not really into reviews but my idea here it's to recommend and let others know wether I enjoyed it or not; this book I did enjoy!!!!
🌼Hope you guys are doing well. Please take care and always remember kindness is free🌼
Happy reading 🥰
Hello everyone!
I have so much fun reading this series, this was book 2, the series has about 15 books and I've got my self more books of Morgana Best!!!🥰🥰🥰
Happy reading!!
Currently reading: Clockwork Princess, The Infernal Devices Series Book 2.
💙Take care beautiful people. Happy reading!
🍵 This is book2 of The Infernal Devices Series, I'm starting today book 3.
🍵This book made me cry like a little girl for hours, my daughters were so mad at me lol they say is crazy what I do reading 'THESE' books.
I'm so anxious to start book 3.💙
🍵 My family is making me drink all kind of herbs, I mean teas, lol it's supposed to help to my recovery, let's keep it positive.
📖 I'm reading The Infernal Devices Series by Cassandra Clare, totally recommend those book.
Take care dear ones 💙