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Turtle of Oman | Naomi Shihab Nye
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1. Meditate. Try therapy.
2. Planes, trains, cruise ships, then car as a last resort.
3. My board of directors

@eggs #wondrouswednesdays

Eggs Thanks for playing 🙌🏻💕✨ 1y
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The Turtle of Oman | Naomi Shihab Nye
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Middle grade reads- these will make good classroom read alouds 🐢🐢

JamieArc I listened to The Turtle of Michigan and loved it. The audio was well done, and it was fun to read an Ann Arbor setting. 1y
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Bitter Orange Tree | Jokha Alharthi
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^^ interesting device, this repetitive negation of what “we did NOT do.” A story is about what characters DO, this lists what they DO NOT do.

Who are these people crossing out days on calendars, counting glasses of tea, if not “us?” Our future selves? Our neighbors?

What are “we” doing instead? Living with “certainty and contentment and pleasure in life” and not worrying about the passage of time?

Looking back on contentment of childhood.

Bitter Orange Tree | Jokha Alharthi
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Omani granddaughter at a British university, haunted by her grandmother‘s unfulfilled dreams: an orchard to care for, a home of her own. Grief, thwarted desires, compromise. Loss and ex-pat loneliness, intergenerational obsessions, love triangle. Story in suspension, character stuck in grief, skipping time, sometimes repetitive. Lovely, lacking closure. I loved “Celestial Bodies”—this feels more unfinished? Strong trans. 2022

Celestial Bodies | Jokha Alharthi
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#OnThisDay Catch Up Time!

May 21 - 2019 Celestial Bodies by Johka Alharthi (and translated by Marilyn Booth) became the first Arabic title to win the Man Booker International Prize.

May 22 - 1570 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' (Theatre of the World), is the world's first atlas, published by Abraham Ortelius in Antwerp with 70 maps.

May 23 - 1943 Thomas Mann begins writing Dr Faustus

#HistoryGetsLIT will return with proper blurbs tomorrow!

Celestial Bodies | Jokha Alharthi
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Found this gem in the local library and had a magical carpet ride into Oman. The way the author blends the mundane and the magical is outstanding. I love how the narrative is given to different characters and you get to know them from the way they think and live. History comes alive through family stories of several generations. Simply brilliant.

The Turtle of Oman | Naomi Shihab Nye
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Andrew65 Love the sound of this and the cover. 3y
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Just finished the chapter on #Oman @Librarybelle #ReadingAsia2021🇴🇲 I‘m actually enjoying this audio more than I expected too. It‘s an interesting mix of food, culture and history although using the Bourdain name to sell this is a little shady.

Librarybelle Glad you‘re enjoying it more than you expected! 3y
Prairiegirl_reading I agree about the shady part. 3y
Cinfhen It bothers me that it says by Anthony Bourdain @Prairiegirl_reading I mean he died in 2018 and there isn‘t anything written by him except quotes taken from his tv series 3y
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Cinfhen But the content is holding my attention @Librarybelle 3y
Prairiegirl_reading @Cinfhen I was bothered by it too. Apparently the biography by Laurie Woolever is the book I actually wanted. 3y
Cinfhen I listened to that one on audio @Prairiegirl_reading it was AMAZING 🙌🏻a 5 star book!!! Really well done!!! My only gripe….we did not “hear” from Asia Argento - not sure if she declined to be interviewed or if her voice was intentionally silenced (edited) 3y
Prairiegirl_reading @Cinfhen hmmm makes you wonder 🤔 maybe she‘s writing her own book. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
Cinfhen I thought that too @Prairiegirl_reading she should!!! 3y
Megabooks I‘m glad you‘re enjoying it!! 3y
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Taking a break from my #MusicalMemoirs for this #ProcrastinationBook6 / I‘m using this for #ReadingAsia2021 #Oman - I‘m still missing a few cities 🤫

Megabooks I did not like this. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
Cinfhen It‘s a TOTAL sell out but I‘m using it for my #ReadingAsia21 challenge @Megabooks and it‘s actually background noise while I prepare dinner & fold laundry 3y
Librarybelle At least it makes good background noise 3y
Cinfhen Absolutely!! Still haven‘t gotten to #Oman yet @Librarybelle but there was a section about #Bhutan 😁 3y
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