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1. I just left Quebec City and Three Pines 2. I want to go to England and Scotland so badly, I‘ve read so many books and watched so many BBC shows set there and I want the full immersion experience ( I love having visited a setting irl)
Feel free to play and share #wondrouswednesdays

dabbe Totally with you on #2! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
Eggs Me too on Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Ireland 🇮🇪 England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿; but also Norway 🇳🇴 and Denmark 🇩🇰 4mo
mcctrish @dabbe there are so many places to see I might need an extended holiday 🤣 4mo
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mcctrish @Eggs yes to all of those too ❤️❤️❤️ 4mo
dabbe @mcctrish @Eggs How about anywhere near the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, and the English channel? 🤩 4mo
mcctrish @dabbe YES to all the places by water 4mo
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Turtle of Oman | Naomi Shihab Nye
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1. Meditate. Try therapy.
2. Planes, trains, cruise ships, then car as a last resort.
3. My board of directors

@eggs #wondrouswednesdays

Eggs Thanks for playing 🙌🏻💕✨ 1y
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Anywhere | Susan Fanetti
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1. Neil Gaimon
2. Anywhere, Everywhere - whenever I've a free moment
3. No. I suck at schedules...

@Eggs #wondrouswednesdays

Not sure who to tag... anyone?

Eggs Thanks for playing 🥳📚💗 1y
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♥️ I have been setting a yearly on GR since 2013. I always set it, almost, ridiculously high (or low) depending on the previous year‘s success or flop. I always wanna push myself & am not afraid to reassess (I do this usually in June & then again in September-ish).

💜 Currently sitting at 144/150. I haven‘t given up yet & still plan on reaching it if at all possible.

💙 Still completely undecided & stressing out😖 tbh.

DieAReader Thanks for the tag @Eggs ♥️😁 2y
Eggs You‘re welcome! My pleasure! You can still hit your goal🤗 I find the week between the 2 holidays great for reading—the quiet anticlimax is conducive 📖😍Thanks for joining in! 2y
Andrew65 @DieAReader I have total confidence, you can and will do this. 💪🤛🥳🥰 2y
DieAReader @Eggs @Andrew65 💪💪💪Thanks🥰♥️ 2y
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#WondrousWednesdays @Eggs

1. Tagged book 👍🏻
2. I did BOTM for a short period.
3. I love the Christmas Shoes series. 💙

Eggs Thank you 🙏🏻 2y
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The Wednesdays | Julie Bourbeau
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1. My very special grandma and 2nd grade teacher, Miss Lindell
2. Nikolas Butler, Katherine Center, Stephen King, Sarah Addison Allen
3. Only a quarterly Buddy read here but I‘d be game @JenReadsAlot ☺️
@Eggs @Kshakal @BethM #wondrouswednesdays

JenReadsAlot How did I forget Nicholas Butler?! 🤦‍♀️ 2y
peaKnit @JenReadsAlot unbelievable 🤦🏼‍♀️ we won‘t tell him. 2y
JenReadsAlot Thank you 😊 2y
Eggs Lovely post 🙏🏻📚🙌🏻 2y
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🦋The Stranger I Married, Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover‘s Soul (my two main reads atm). 4⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ a piece so far.

🦋 So many good books, I really cannot narrow it down to just 1.

🦋 Doctors who haven‘t lost their main objective - heal/help the patient. Those who are still compassionate.

Thanks for the tag @CoverToCoverGirl

CoverToCoverGirl I thought question two was hard too, it was a struggle to keep it to just two. 2y
DieAReader @CoverToCoverGirl I think I had mine narrowed down to 10 LOL that was as low as I was able to get it 2y
Eggs Like # 3 👍🏼🙌🏻 2y
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Thanks for the tag @PageShifter Unfortunately, I didn‘t get a chance to put this up yesterday so, I‘m late again🤣🤦🏻‍♀️

1. A couple Romance shelves😉

2. Indivisible Women

3. The Bat

Eggs Pretty! Thanks for playing 🥳 2y
DieAReader @Eggs 😉♥️ 2y
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My Favorite Authors | Thomas Costley
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Happy New Year Litsy! Here‘s the Master Post for #AuthorAMonth this year. There will be quite a bit of info below, so bear with me!

Author A Month is a no-pressure, no-commitment Litsy challenge. The goal is to celebrate the works of a particular author each month. Authors were chosen through polls by Litsy participants. Read as many as you like, skip months when needed, it's entirely up to you!


Soubhiville There will be some prizes sent at the end of the year!

-There will be ONE prize book box for "MOST READ." In order to qualify, books must be FINISHED in the appropriate month. (Bails will not be counted.) It is up to you to keep track by editing the Google form each month. (this prize can only be won once, there will be a different winner every year.)
Soubhiville -There will be one or two prizes chosen from this new category: the "EVERY MONTH CLUB". To qualify for this prize you must read one or more book every month for the qualifying author. For this category BAILS COUNT. The winners will be chosen randomly from the participants that qualify for the club. 3y
Soubhiville -There will also be a few random prizes sent to any randomly drawn participant who has FINISHED at least one qualifying book during the year.

Only Listy members who are still active in the Listy community at the time of drawings will qualify.
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Soubhiville Below is the link to the Google Form. Be sure to save the copy you will automatically be sent when you fill it out, as that is the only way you will be able to access your form to edit it. You can either fill it in each month or wait until the end of the year to fill it out, makes no difference to me.
Soubhiville If you use and enjoy StoryGraph, here is a link to the challenge there. (This is entirely for your own joy and has nothing to do with the end of year drawings.)

(edited) 3y
Soubhiville It doesn‘t seem to want to embed that link for StoryGraph but it‘s very easy to search challenges by creator. I‘m soubhi there. So I think that‘s all for now, let me know if you have questions. And as always, just let me know if you‘d like to be added or removed from my tag list. Happy Reading! (edited) 3y
RaeLovesToRead Screenshotted - this year I'm going to do better!!! 🤞🤞 Last year, I think I managed half a book, however, I THOUGHT about reading a lot of different books 😉😉 Thanks for hosting ❤ 3y
Bookwormjillk Woo hoo! This is a great list. I‘m excited. 3y
Crazeedi I filled out the form! And I have a Kingsolver book on my shelf!! 3y
Crazeedi I'm joining challenge on Storygraph too!! 3y
Texreader I hope to participate but will be sitting out Kingsolver as I really dislike her style. I have no desire to read anything by her again 3y
Eggs Thanks Soubhi ❤️ You can remove me from master list/posts. Have a great AAM year🎊👍🏼🤗 3y
SconsinBookyBadger I checked out 3 of Kingsolver‘s audiobooks available on libby. I hope to participate better with AAM this year. 3y
Cinfhen Thanks for being such a wonderful host!!! Looking forward to expanding my reading in 2022 3y
Cinfhen Congrats @Skygoddess1 and @Eggs 🎉🎉 3y
Eggs Thank you 🙏🏻 @Cinfhen 3y
Soubhiville Sorry to see you go @Eggs you‘re an inspiration! Do you have another challenge you‘ll be focusing on this year? 3y
Soubhiville @Texreader I was wondering which author you didn‘t like (I think it was you that commented about that?). I didn‘t care for Poisonwood Bible, but I loved Animal, Vegetable, Miracle which is nonfiction. I‘m trying another fiction work this month, we‘ll see how it goes! 🤷‍♀️ 3y
Soubhiville @RaeLovesToRead good luck! You only have to finish one to be entered in the drawing! 3y
Eggs @Soubhiville No, this year it will be enough to continue monthly photo challenges, and do #wondrouswednesdays. My unread BOTM books are piling up, and I have returned to work full time….maybe another year?? 3y
PurpleyPumpkin Yay, I'm really looking forward to this challenge! Thanks for hosting.💜 3y
Soubhiville @Eggs oh wow, good luck back at work! It‘s been such a strange couple years, I hope all goes well for you. 3y
Eggs Thanks Soubhi 👍🏼🎊📚. @Soubhiville 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Thank you so much for setting this all up. Google forms for the win for 2022 challenge hosts 😂 3y
UwannaPublishme I‘ve been wanting to join this challenge and add some new authors to my repertoire, so this is the year. Yay! Count me in! 😊📚 3y
Soubhiville @UwannaPublishme great! I‘ve added you to the tag list. 3y
Soubhiville @TheAromaofBooks oh my gosh yes! The form is going to make organizing so much easier! 3y
Allylu I completed the Google form. Please add me to your tag list. Thanks! 3y
Soubhiville @Allylu you are added, welcome! 3y
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1- Definitely but not generally exclusively.

2- Anything that doesn‘t look a mess. So, fonts, images, spacing, colour choices used etc…

3- Do not open; Nothing good will come of it.

Thanks for the tag @PageShifter

Eggs Thanks for playing 💙❄️💜 3y
DieAReader @Eggs ♥️🥰 3y
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