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Celestial Bodies
Celestial Bodies | Jokha Alharthi
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Celestial Bodies | Jokha Alharthi
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#OnThisDay Catch Up Time!

May 21 - 2019 Celestial Bodies by Johka Alharthi (and translated by Marilyn Booth) became the first Arabic title to win the Man Booker International Prize.

May 22 - 1570 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' (Theatre of the World), is the world's first atlas, published by Abraham Ortelius in Antwerp with 70 maps.

May 23 - 1943 Thomas Mann begins writing Dr Faustus

#HistoryGetsLIT will return with proper blurbs tomorrow!

Celestial Bodies | Jokha Alharthi
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Found this gem in the local library and had a magical carpet ride into Oman. The way the author blends the mundane and the magical is outstanding. I love how the narrative is given to different characters and you get to know them from the way they think and live. History comes alive through family stories of several generations. Simply brilliant.

Celestial Bodies | Jokha Alharthi
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Celestial Bodies by Omani author Jokha Alharti and a cup of cardamom-flavoured coffee - hopefully not too far from Omani-style coffee. So happy I was able to tick off Oman in my list of countries to visit through fiction with a novel that has real literary merit.

#Oman #globalliterature #translation

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Celestial Bodies | Jokha Alharthi
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Al-Awafi is a small village in #Oman. Time seems to have passed without any changes. People live their lives as they have for centuries in this desolate part of the country. But this is the 20th century and things ARE changing. This book tells how the community deals with current times. The story is a combination of folklore and magic realism, of fiction and journalism.

#pop21 #FamilyTree #ReadingAsia2021 🇴🇲 #InternationalBookerPrize

SilversReviews Love the covered bridge. 3y
Liz_M I'm glad you liked this! 3y
Megabooks Sounds interesting! 3y
Librarybelle Sounds good! 3y
Suet624 I really liked this one. 👯‍♀️ 3y
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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks #ReadingAsia2021 @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle

This book by a female author from #Oman and set in that same country was beautifully written. My only complaint is the number of characters. I found it hard to become emotionally attached to them since they changed frequently.

It's a multi-generational story with great female characters. I enjoyed most of it and would definitely try another read by this author one day.

Librarybelle I am intrigued by this one! 3y
BarbaraBB This will be my choice for Oman too. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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I read this to fulfill Bookriot's Read Harder Challenge for a non-European novel in translation. I mainly chose this novel because it is by an Omani author, and I recently adopted a cat from Oman.
Before reading this I knew virtually nothing about Oman and the novel made me want to learn more about the history of the country. It was a lovely book, going back and forth to various characters of various generations.

Celestial Bodies | Jokha Alharthi

This was my first book by a person from Oman. It was interesting, not all of the characters were likeable. It did give me a better understanding of their culture and their identity.
#readharder non european novel in translation

Celestial Bodies | Jokha Alharthi

This was my first book by a person from Oman. It was interesting, not all of the characters were likeable. It did give me a better understanding of their culture and their identity.
#readharder non european novel in translation

Celestial Bodies | Jokha Alharthi

This was my first book by a person from Oman. It was interesting, not all of the characters were likeable. It did give me a better understanding of their culture and their identity.
#readharder non european novel in translation

Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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First novel by an Omani woman translated into English - it's more a character study than a novel, imo, but still a fascinating look into the life of a village in Oman.

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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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A story arc best described as a spirograph, it‘s centered on Abdallah, who narrates almost every other chapter, with the rest told by various women - his wife Mayya, his daughter London, the slave who raised him, his sisters and mother-in-law - whose reminiscences, linked by theme, swirl from present to past. Some are tightly focused, some circle wider, and some spin off in a different direction altogether, circumscribing a culture in transition.

BarbaraBB What a beautiful edition! I‘m going to read this one soon too! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Liz_M @BarbaraBB I hope you like it! The narrative structure is different and, for me, required constant checking of the family tree. But other than that, I liked the way the individual chapters flow into each other without an overarching sense of plot. 3y
Librarybelle Lovely review, and it‘s a gorgeous cover! 3y
Liz_M @Librarybelle Thanks! 😊 3y
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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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I never quite connected with this story of multiple generations in #Oman. I often like books that move between storylines set at different times, but I just never quite got a handle on this one. I don‘t know if print would have been better or if I just wasn‘t that interested. 🤷🏼‍♀️


BarbaraBB I had high hopes for this one and have it lined up for #Oman too (in print). I am sorry to hear that you were disappointed since we often have similar taste in books. 3y
Cinfhen I didn‘t make it through this book either and usually it‘s my jam. @squirrelbrain enjoyed it...we had begun as a buddyread 😬 3y
squirrelbrain I liked it but didn‘t love it @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB . It did feel a bit disjointed and distant, but I enjoyed reading about a country that I had visited. I think you‘ve been to Oman too haven‘t you Barbara? 3y
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BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain Yes! Almost exactly a year ago, right before corona hit Europe ☺️. I remember we talked about it! (edited) 3y
Hooked_on_books @Cinfhen Glad it‘s not just me! 3y
Hooked_on_books @BarbaraBB I remember the pictures you posted—they were stunning. Visiting your son, I think? 3y
BarbaraBB @Hooked_on_books You have a good memory! I was with my son, just a holiday! 3y
Librarybelle That‘s a shame! I also often like interconnecting storylines. 3y
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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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With the tagged book, I have completed my 2020 reading challenge!!!

BayouGirl85 YAY!!! Congrats. 4y
CrowCAH Woohoo 🎉 4y
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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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Added a TO BE READ column on my shelf, to keep the motivation alive.

Currently reading tagged book, originally written in Arabic, the first novel by an Omani woman to be translated into English and the first novel in Arabic to be awarded the Man Booker International Prize.

Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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4⭐️ I read this as the #bookcougars had selected this for their latest book club selection. It took awhile for me to understand where the book was going, but once I had understood what the book was about and could place things, I really liked it. #fiction #bookreview #bookstagram #ownvoices #2020 #translation #awardwinner #middleeast #celestialbodies #contemporary The book was my #doublebookspin for October

Suet624 I felt the same way about this book. I can‘t imagine that it‘s a good one to listen to though. 4y
melissajayne @Suet624 Chris mentioned on the podcast that it was the same for her as well. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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P146 [Salima‘s mother grieving son]
She died, though no one knew she was dead. Every day, and every night, for ten years, she died a little more. She breathed and ate and drank but she was dead. She spoke to people and walked among them, dead. Only much later did her body give up its already-deceased spirit, its dead spirit, no longer forced to pretend, to play at being alive.

OK, so sometimes teeters on maudlin but characters so appealing.

Celestial Bodies | Jokha Alharthi
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Najiya, “Qamar—the moon,” Bedouin camel trader, is maybe the most independent woman, taking over father‘s neglected business, taking care of disabled brother, building new house, seducing Azzan. But tragic end of course, free but cursed.

P156 Did she [her mother] want Asma to know the value of freedom that marriage would give her? ... Marriage was her identity document, her passport to a world wider than home.

Contemporary turn on marriage plot

Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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Took some chapters, but snuck up on me and won me over. Multi-generational novel set in village of al-Awafi, Oman. Family, marriage, motherhood, societal transition (slavery abolished in Oman in 1970 [!?]). Close 3rd-person chapters from different characters intercut w/ 1st-person from Abdallah. Strong voices, strong desires, gossip, intrigue. Great minor characters (Najiya, Maneen). Poetic imagery. Skips through time, holds back secrets. 2019

Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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Started Celestial Bodies by Jokha Alharthi, translated from the Arabic by Marilyn Booth. Alharthi is the first Omani woman to have a novel translated into English. I‘m reading this for The Book Cougars podcast latest readalong. Ordered my copy from Bank Square Books. Love their bookmarks!!

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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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My #bookspin and #bookspinbingo list for October. I know some of you think I‘m nuts by reading War and Peace in a months time. Well I don‘t have a #bookclub selection to read this month (we meet 4x a year: 2x in the fall and 2x in the spring; my library book club is suspended due to COVID).

Enchanted_Bibliophile Good luck 🤞 for War and Peace. I've started it multiple times but never quite seem to finish it. I think the furthest I got was 100 pages 😂 4y
melissajayne @Enchanted_Bibliophile I‘m going to read 40 pages a day and my edition has chapter summaries at the back of the book. And I‘m going to use either the Sparknotes or Cliffs Notes site to help out. 4y
Enchanted_Bibliophile Maybe I should also try it like that. 4y
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TheAromaofBooks Great list!! Good luck on the chunkster!!! 4y
SamAnne LOL. War and Peace is also on my Bingo card. But I'm only planning to finish Volume Three. I'm loving the read but taking it slowly with all the other books on my plate. Plan to finish by December. 4y
melissajayne @TheAromaofBooks thanks! Worked it out so that I am reading about 40 pages a day; am also relying on the Sparknotes or Cliff Notes websites. 4y
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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi

Beautiful. Gem of a book.

Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi

Her mother hadn‘t given the matter of love any particular thought, since it never would have occurred to her that pale Mayya, so silent and still, would think about anything in this mundane world beyond her threads and the selvages of her fabrics, or that she would hear anything other than the clatter of her sewing machine." (from "Celestial Bodies: Winner of the 2019 Man Booker International Prize" by Alharthi Johka, Marilyn Booth)

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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi

Just getting into Celestial Bodies. Hoping to learn something-I know nothing about Omani culture!

Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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Books Read April 2020: 77-107 (pictured are 5-star reads)


Total Books Read: 31

Audiobook: 1
eBook: 23
Print: 7

Library: 6 (this includes library eBooks and Hoopla)
Review copy: 18
Own: 7

American/Canadian Indigenous Writers: 3
Graphic novel/comic: 1
Memoir: 3
Middle East 2020: 6
National Poetry Month: 10
Romance: 2
SFF: 3
Short Stories: 1
Translated: 4

Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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Not an easy book to read, with its myriad of characters and different timelines, but still beautifully written. After a while I started to treat it like a series of short stories or vignettes and found this much easier, which increased my enjoyment.

I liked that all 3 sisters had differing views of marriage, womanhood and motherhood. I also leant a lot about the culture of Oman, which I appreciated.

Cinfhen Good for you!! I could not follow a single thread 🧵 I think I need to try again when my mind is less cluttered 4y
Cinfhen Abdullah‘s parts were so out of context and nonlinear/ was his POV important to the overall story?? 4y
squirrelbrain Hmmm @Cinfhen I did enjoy his parts of the story and, whilst they did add another POV, I did feel as though the message from this was that the book wasn‘t valid without a man‘s voice. So it did jar with me a bit. 4y
Cinfhen I‘m gonna try again... because I generally like interconnected stories and the setting of Oman is really fascinating 4y
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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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Helen, help!!! This book is leaving me all sorts of confused 🤷🏼‍♀️ I‘m not following or enjoying....at page 74 and ready to bail 😬

Cinfhen I‘m a terrible buddyreader 😪 4y
squirrelbrain Oh dear Cindy! I‘ve only read about half of that, so now I‘m worried! I did confuse myself at the start trying to understand the family tree and then thought I‘d just go for it.... I‘ll have another go later today (maybe) but don‘t worry about bailing if you want to.... so many books, so little time! 4y
Cinfhen Keep me posted but for now I‘m putting it down @squirrelbrain 🤪 4y
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TrishB 😂😂 did make me laugh anyway! 4y
TheAromaofBooks This post makes me feel like Litsy needs a special blurb type labeled “PANIC“ 😂 4y
erzascarletbookgasm 🙁 total bail or hibernation? 4y
Cinfhen That‘s a great new #hashtag @TheAromaofBooks #PANIC 4y
Cinfhen I think for now it‘s a #DeepHibernation @erzascarletbookgasm 😢😢😢 Hopefully my retention will return 🤞🏼 4y
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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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I plan on reading this book over the weekend @squirrelbrain sorry, I got totally sidetracked by The Glass Hotel 😁I‘ve also lined up another book that seemed to call to me today; Ayelet Goshen‘s Liar.

squirrelbrain Don‘t worry Cindy - I‘ve had a bit of a rubbish day today so haven‘t done any reading at all... I‘ll hopefully get back into it at the weekend too.... 😘 4y
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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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I only read the author‘s note and first chapter so far @squirrelbrain ... did you pick this book up today?? I got sidetracked with an audiobook and my library copy of The Glass Hotel ( sooooo good) but hoping to make progress with Celestial Bodies over the weekend.

Librariana I'm excited that you're reading The Glass Hotel! It's in my stack of recently-ish acquired books and I swear I can't wait to get to it! (And the four other books beneath it...) 4y
squirrelbrain I‘ve read a couple of chapters today Cindy - liking it so far, but not completely enthralled yet. I‘m reading 4 other books too... this one is holding my interest the most at the moment... 4y
Cinfhen Oh wow @squirrelbrain that book sounds AMAZING!!! Exactly the type of book I love to read!!! #stacked 4y
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Cinfhen @Librariana Hi!!!!! So nice to “see” you 💕💕💕I took a walk today and sat on a bench outside for 20 minutes and read the book pictured. I just needed a change of scenery but i was having trouble focusing plus I had a mask on and it‘s difficult to read wearing a mask 😷 😬 4y
Librariana @Cinfhen - Haaaahheeeeee (that's how my niece says "Hi!" There's an extended -ah sound that goes up like you're climbing a mountain and then descends into an adorable extended -ee sound) I'm currently making the bed (with windows open for fresh air!), about to load up some towels into the washing machine, and listening to 4y
Librariana @Cinfhen - It's so nice to 'see' you as well! 😊💖 I'm glad you got a change of scenery and enjoyed some fresh air. I got a tiny bit of it earlier when I drove to pick up the mail (have to drive over otherwise my car won't move for weeks!) 4y
squirrelbrain It is really good Cindy, and seems just perfect for the current situation. Reconsidering one‘s life whilst getting back to nature.... 4y
Cinfhen Ohhhh, I want to read/ listen to that one too @Librariana 🤩I‘m so confused with the days of the week... but I do think it‘s Thursday so wishing you a lovely weekend ahead 😘 4y
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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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I‘m ready to start tomorrow @squirrelbrain How about you?

squirrelbrain Yes, I‘m reading 4 other books too, but happy to add another one! 😁🤪 (edited) 4y
Suet624 Oh I‘m so happy you‘re reading this. 4y
Cinfhen We can start next week if that‘s better for you @squirrelbrain 4y
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Cinfhen I‘m glad to know you loved it @Suet624 👯‍♀️🦀 4y
Suet624 I think reading the physical copy is the way to go on this one. Otherwise it might be hard to keep the characters straight. 4y
Cinfhen Ok, I have both book and audio but I‘ll try to stick with the physical book @Suet624 thanks for the suggestion 💕 4y
squirrelbrain No it‘s fine for me; they‘re all very different books.... 👍😘I was going to ask if you had physical or audio - mine is a physical book. 4y
Cinfhen Do you want to read in parts/ chapters or just plow at our own pace @squirrelbrain ? 4y
squirrelbrain I don‘t mind - what do you prefer? It doesn‘t look like a long book but sounds very involved..... 4y
Cinfhen I‘m happy to read at our own pace and just share thoughts/feelings along the way xx @squirrelbrain 4y
squirrelbrain Sounds good to me! I‘m a fast reader but also out every morning now doing deliveries so that means less reading time - don‘t race too far ahead! 😁😘 4y
Cinfhen Ok, boss 😘😘 I love that you‘re Santa‘s helper @squirrelbrain 4y
squirrelbrain Oh dear! I am a bit bossy aren‘t I?! I didn‘t mean to sound so stroppy! 4y
Cinfhen No, I‘m teasing @squirrelbrain you‘re awesome-sauce 😁😍🙌🏻 4y
squirrelbrain Gggrrrr! 🤪 4y
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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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This the first novel by a woman in Oman to be translated into English, and it won the International Booker Prize. I learned a lot about Oman's history and traditions in the background but most of the story is about multiple generations in the village of al-Awafi.⤵️

ReadingEnvy This book kept sending me on rabbit holes to learn about Omani food so yes I did sacrifice one of my remaining cups of flour to try making khubz ragag, which doesn't work in a non-stick pan, so I ended up with flat bread. It's fine. I did randomly have date syrup and apricot paste on hand, so it made a tasty snack. 4y
Suet624 I keep thinking of this book. I read it just a few weeks ago but I feel like reading it again now that I know so many of the connections between the characters. Beautiful writing. 4y
Chrissyreadit That sounds like fun! 4y
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ReadingEnvy @Suet624 yes I love the rotating pov and how they all connect! 4y
Cinfhen I NEED to get to this one🥰 @erzascarletbookgasm gifted it to me nearly a year ago 😱Thanks for reminding me!!! It‘s going to the top of my TBR pile 4y
squirrelbrain Me too @Cinfhen ! @mitch gifted it to me and it‘s still on my ‘read really soon‘ pile! 4y
Cinfhen Do you want to attempt a BuddyRead soon @squirrelbrain since I bailed on Wolf Hall???? 4y
squirrelbrain Yes, that would be fab Cindy @Cinfhen. I can fit in with you whenever suits. I‘m doing a #buddyread of The Eighth Life, but that‘s over a 6 week period anyway and don‘t have anything else I *need* to read - done my #bookspin and #readwithmrbook for April already! 4y
Cinfhen Let‘s touch base towards the end of the week @squirrelbrain 💜💜💜 4y
squirrelbrain Look forward to it Cindy @cinfhen 😘 4y
ReadingEnvy @Cinfhen if you have Hoopla that's where I read it! 4y
erzascarletbookgasm @Cinfhen @squirrelbrain Ha! Glad you both found a book to buddy read. 😊 Hope it‘s a good read for you both. 4y
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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 I‘ve been hoping to challenge myself with more translated fiction and this one did that. The author/translator didn‘t help me with extra descriptions - she doesn‘t cater to my American perspective but I think that‘s important. The story switches times and viewpoints and is about relationships and Omani society as it‘s been changing over time. Of course I enjoy books that are easy to consume but I‘m glad I read this book.

Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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A challenging book to read as it weaves through the lives of three generations and many characters. Even with a chart I had a bit of trouble keeping the characters straight. It is so worth the challenge. Short chapters take you backward and forward in time and allow you to experience the societal expectations and changes in Oman. The winner of the 2019 Man Booker award, it is beautifully written and intimate.

squirrelbrain I just put this on my #bookspin for April.... hopefully it will get picked! (If not I might just read it anyway...😁) 4y
Suet624 @squirrelbrain What a coincidence! The copy I have belongs to the library and since it‘s closed I‘m thinking I may actually start it again now that I‘m clear about all the characters. I still feel immersed in the setting. 4y
squirrelbrain I visited Oman, albeit only for a week around 10 years ago, but loved it. Both the scenery and the people are beautiful. 4y
Suet624 @squirrelbrain what a trip that must have been! 4y
squirrelbrain It was! My Dad lived there at the time, so we got to see the less ‘touristy‘ side too.... 4y
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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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After reading the New York Times last night and being completely overwhelmed, I read this line: “the proverb-maker says: Knowledge means pain, not knowing keeps me sane.” Yup. I decided not to read the paper today. Homebound, safe, and praying for the health of all.

Jeg Totally agree. 😍😍😍 4y
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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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Fascinating look at multiple generations in Oman. I know little of this region and its culture. Fascinating structure and a book I would love to read again! Made me interested in learning more about the slave trade in this part of the world. I found the family tree in the front of the book critical. The narrator on the audio book was one of the best I have ever had the pleasure to listen to. My first 5 🌟read of 2020.

Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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#bookreport #weeklyforecast
Missing of Clairdelune 🎧 4.5 🌟

Celestial Bodies 🎧
Long Bright River 📖
What You Have Heard Is True 📖

I think I will finish Celestial Bodies today and Long Bright River this week. Hope to get more reading in this week!

Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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So excited to start this Audio book today!!

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Celestial Bodies | Jokha Alharthi
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I had a hard time keeping all the timelines and characters straight and after a while, simply gave up in order to enjoy the vignettes on their own. The language is gorgeous and flavored with Arabic and atmospheric enough that it kept my interest.

Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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"...when we are away from home, in new and strange places, we get to know ourselves better."

Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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Thank you so much for the lovely gift @Mitch - you‘re so kind! It‘s one that I‘ve been wanting to read for a while. My Dad lived in Oman for a few years, and I visited him there for a holiday about 12 years ago. I found it a fascinating country and the Omanis are lovely people so I put this on my TBR as soon as it was published, just never got round to getting myself a copy. And of course I love the Pages bookmark too! 😘

Mitch Your most welcome. I saw it in your TBR and it‘s been getting lots of positive press lately so thought you might like it. Didn‘t know about the Oman connection. That‘s added coolness! 5y
TrishB Had this on the tbr pile for a while! 5y
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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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I stopped at the library on my way home from work! Never fails to make my day a little brighter.

Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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Had a fabulous weekend with a bookish friend and collected books and brews on an adventure through Brooklyn. Here are my favorite purchases! #BookHaul

mcipher So fun!! I love these colors 😊 5y
GypsyKat Great picture! 5y
mrozzz @mcipher 🌈🌈🌈☺️ 5y
mrozzz @GypsyKat thank you!! 5y
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Celestial Bodies | Jokha Alharthi
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A beautifully-translated novel comprised of linked vignettes (best descriptor I have since the narrative is only vaguely linear with many narrators/points-of-view), the first by an Omani woman to be translated to English and the first Arabic-language winner of the International Man Booker. There are a LOT of characters and the narrative shifts back and forth in time, but they‘re all so interesting, especially the sisters Mayya, Asma, and Khawla.

Celestial Bodies | Jokha Alharthi
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Finished this Man Booker International winner just as my garden finishes as well. This is set in Oman and tells the story of a generation through one family- from slave trading to the generation branching out to other countries- but always tied to their small village through the parents and grandparents- the traditions surrounding birth and death, the cruelties and the surprising tenderness of found love. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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I am a little unsure what to make of this one ..

Celestial Bodies | Johka Alharthi
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Whiskey and I are observing Women in Translation month- and napping! Whiskey is dreaming of Celestial Bodies💫🌔☄️☀️ #DogsOfLitsy

Kappadeemom Heeeyyy Whiskey! 5y
Booksnchill @Kappadeemom 😍🐾🥃 5y
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