Visiting family this week. We‘ve been swimming, hiking, and of course reading all week. We are very #OneWithNature
Visiting family this week. We‘ve been swimming, hiking, and of course reading all week. We are very #OneWithNature
Quiet day at the Rocky Mountain Wildlife Refuge. Who would have guessed this used to be a weapons manufacturing site during WWII!
#SummerFunBucketList #OneWithNature
I went up to Carlsbad to kayak on the lagoon for my birthday a few days ago, which was a lot of fun. I've only gone kayaking one other time 12 years ago, so it definitely took some getting used to. The waterproof camera does not take fantastic pictures, though.
This time last year I was in Hay (Britain‘s first book town) walking the hills in between bookshops browsing. Thank goodness for memories! #onewithnature #summerfun
I always enjoy the calm of the lake especially in the early morning hours. Sadly I don‘t live as close to this one but the special trip today was worth it! #summerfunbucketlist #onewithnature #summerfun @StayCurious @4thhouseontheleft
Thankfully I‘ve been able to get out and do some hiking with Ripley, despite the pandemic. He may be small, but he is an awesome joker. This was taken at the top of Three Sisters in Evergreen, CO; it was about a 6 mile hike round trip and he did the whole thing. #SummerFunBucketList #SummerFun #OneWithNature
Nature is my FAVORITE part of camping! I love hiking and finding some peace. I don‘t usually take pictures when I camp because I try to completely unplug, but I grabbed this picture at a local park that I would TOTALLY camp at it if it was allowed.