One more down in my #PhryneMarathon This sees Phryne & her maid Dot take the lovely Lin Chung on a house party weekend in the Australian Alps. But like all of Phrynes adventures, things get lively, a maid is assaulted then goes missing,there‘s death threats & snares laid for the unwary. Just another weekend for the unconventional flapper! #phryneappreciationclub #LitsyAtoZ2020 #LetterU #PopSugar20 #PublishedInThe20thCentury #MountTBR2020 #Bk3 👇👇
Lizpixie #BeatTheBacklist2020 #Bk6 #AntiAlphabetSoup #LetterE #JanuaryBookBingo #FreeSquare 5y