Reporting on my 2019 reading challenges. For #readingwomenchallenge2019 I completed 15 of the 24 prompts. So many great ones! Faves included tagged book, the Murderbot diaries novellas, Crazy Brave and the Miss Fisher series books I read.
Reporting on my 2019 reading challenges. For #readingwomenchallenge2019 I completed 15 of the 24 prompts. So many great ones! Faves included tagged book, the Murderbot diaries novellas, Crazy Brave and the Miss Fisher series books I read.
Colette considered this "the nearest I shall ever come to writing an autobiography." Published in 1932 it's eroticism and discussion of desire is subtle compared to today.
#WITmonth #readingwomenchallenge2019
I wish we were given more details of the spy training process and that the actual mission was more interesting. The MC was distracted by her love interest and personal drama during the whole book. I‘m willing to give the rest of the series a chance to see the resolution to the questions raised in this book. #readingwomenchallenge2019 - A book that is part of a series #YA
This was a quick, fun read that explores the idea of love at first sight. The guy and girl go through quite a bit and prove that although love at first sight can be real, it takes more than that to ultimately be together. The characters were frustrating at times, but overall I enjoyed their journey. #Reesesbookclub #hellosunshine #Readingwomenchallenge2019 -A romance or love story. #romcom #contemporaryromance
My first Litsy post! These are some of the books I‘ve read so far this year as part of the #readingwomenchallenge2019 #readingwomen #diversereading #diverseauthors #readingchallenge
At the end of this book I was like, "Wait... what?!"
#readingwomenchallenge2019 task 1: read a mystery/thriller by a WOC #womenintranslation
The title story starts off as a kind of noir thriller and blew me away when I got into the rhythm of it. The rest of these stories are so of a time and place I know nothing about and just kept me enthralled. These don‘t deal outright with the politics of Shanghai during the war but of the people living there. The modern and the old grate against each other whilst people just try to go about their lives as usual. Continued in comments
Young Dominican girl in Harlem finds herself and her voice through slam poetry. Her mother is very religious and as a recovering Catholic I found thos parts not fun to read, but powerful.
Definitely recommend as audio as the author, a alam poet award winner, narrates.
#readingwomenchallenge2019 24) A young adult book by a woman of color
3⭐ and more of a case that it's me not the book, it's rare mystery that I'm into, but some of the prose was overblown.
#readingwomenchallenge2019 A mystery or thriller written by a woman of color
For some strange reason I thought this would be just about making the internet but this goes all the way to Ada Lovelace and I really enjoyed these earlier chapters. The history of computing is basically women do some stuff when it‘s unimportant then when it‘s decided it‘s worth something women get edged out and no credit or good wages in a lot of chapters. I don‘t understand things like html (it burns my feminist souls up)