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Quirky story about a man who tries to find his way in the world after his mother dies. Soft pick. #sundayfunday

BookmarkTavern Sounds like a sweet story! Thank you for posting! 3mo
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At least 10 “R-Words” in this read before chapter 5.
If that doesn‘t piss you off or turn you off to reading something, well, it should.

So instead of posting the cover to this book, I‘m posting the only lesson I‘ve learned from today. It‘s been a hard one.

I do not recommend this book to anyone, I expected better from the author & was disappointed this one had been on my TBR for so long.
Leave it on the shelf.

2/2 bails for 2020.

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6 times with the “R-word” by the middle of the second chapter.
Not bailing yet, but I am close.
Tempted to start tallying and posting that since everyone would know what it means by now!

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Even in a work of complete fiction, it won‘t stop bugging me that I found this so early.
End the “R-word”, PLEASE!!! 😞🙅🏻‍♀️😔

Caffeinated_Reader One of Karen Slaughters books pissed me off because of this. It used the R-word so many times it left me feeling so angry and in a fog. The book is called Broken book 4 in the Will Trent Series. It was great plot and suspense but she used that word an ungodly amount of times. 4y
Chelseabillups30 @Caffeinated_Reader, okay so I will not be reading that one!! Thanks for the heads up!! This just pissed me right off because it was in the first chapter. I‘m not bailing yet because it‘s a creatively written book ,I can tell already, but I hope that‘s the only time I‘m going to see it. I‘m gonna piss off some Littens if I keep having to post about it just to get my frustrations off my chest!! 4y
Caffeinated_Reader @Chelseabillups30 yeah I‘m with you. It‘s one word that authors need to stay away from. I definitely should have bailed on Broken but I really was invested in The Who done it, but I didn‘t feel good about it. Let me know if it‘s more in your book I will cross it off my list if it is (edited) 4y
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Chelseabillups30 @Caffeinated_Reader, yup! We‘re on the same page. I agree. I‘m a proponent for everyone staying away from the R-word. I will be sure to keep you posted if I keep seeing it in this one so you know if it got worse, but for now I‘m just gonna cross my fingers that it gets better!! So far I like it otherwise.🤞🏻 4y
Catherine_Willoughby Any book pre 1980s will use this word. In contents its part of the time, "common usage" reasoning . Modern authors don't need to use such insulting words . If they are no longer part of common usage , they are now discriminating . 4y
veritysalter I‘ll let it slide if the book was before the 1980s, but growing up with an aunt with Downs Syndrome, it has always been a major no-no for me and my family. There is no reason, ever to use it now, unless in relation to time. 4y
Chelseabillups30 @Catherine_Willoughby & @veritysalter, this book was published in February 2014, so the author had no reason not to find another word. 4y
Catherine_Willoughby @Chelseabillups30 I saw that after my comment. Very bad choice of words to use. 4y
Catherine_Willoughby @veritysalter my younger sister had a seizure when two , brain damaged. She is nonverbal. Wheelchair bound for years. She has lost muscle mass over the years due to the heavy drugs she takes , can't walk anymore. Ran like an lightning bolt as child/young teenager . The only time she ever said "ma..ma" was at my mums funeral. Cried it out. She will be forever two ? I remember the bullying growing up because of her condition. 4y
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The MC is an odd one. At first I didn't like the way you learn his inner thoughts--through letters to Richard Gere. But Bartholomew is growing on me, as are the other interesting people who are entering his life.
The narrator is very good EXCEPT when he does some of the women characters. 🙄

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Don't ask me—I didn't have any of the typical reactions to this story.

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Winning combination. Travel+beach+reading =happy

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Not sure what I think about this book yet but love reading it in an outside courtyard at my hotel in LA!

The Dinner | Herman Koch
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#AugustGrrrl | Day 10| #FamilyAffair | ?#TheDinner ?by #HermanKoch | 4.5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️? | An internationally bestselling phenomenon: the darkly #suspenseful, highly #controversial tale of two #families struggling to make the hardest #decision of their lives -- all over the course of one #meal. ? This book provokes a lot of discussion and would be a great #bookclub pick as it forces the reader to search within and decide "what would I do?"

Cinfhen I'm definitely bumping this book up! Great graphics ‼️ 7y
Jess7 @MinDea this would be an excellent book for your #BookToScreen as it would prompt a lot of discussion about the choices these characters are faced with in this book (and now movie starring #RichardGere) and whether they made the right decision. One of the characters suffers from a condition that isn't clearly explained and so deciding what condition it is and whether that played a role in his or her actions would also be interesting to discuss. 7y
Jess7 I would love to help you co-host a discussion on this book if you would consider selecting it for an upcoming month. @MinDea 7y
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Pelican71 It's on my shelf. I really should bump it up; it's not a long book. 7y
erzascarletbookgasm Good pick! I liked this one, not the characters though. 7y
cajunsyd Added to stack! 7y
bedandabook I loved this one too. Totally thought-provoking. 7y
Annashep Loved this book .. good read!!! 7y
Sha0102 Great book!!! 7y
MinDea @Jess7 I'd love that! Lets discuss what month! 7y
Jess7 @MinDea my email is book lover 77 33 @ gmail . com if you want to discuss! 7y
Booksnchill See the play if you get a chance 7y
TorieStorieS I listened to this one not that long ago!! I wish it had been a book club read because I'd love to talk more about it!! 😬 7y
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