Sorry it took me so long to post this @ReadingRover ! I'm excited for the books you sent, and I'm curious about how bacon hot chocolate tastes! Plus cat related things are always good. It's been a fun 2 years! @Avanders #SFMBC
Sorry it took me so long to post this @ReadingRover ! I'm excited for the books you sent, and I'm curious about how bacon hot chocolate tastes! Plus cat related things are always good. It's been a fun 2 years! @Avanders #SFMBC
Received my #SFMBC book back today! This will be my next book. I‘m looking forward to seeing everyone‘s thoughts. This was a fun group to be in for the last two years.
Oh my goodness... I had an *awful* week, & then I came home last night to the sweetest thank you pkg from you, Megan! I‘m floored. Soooo geeked for the ghost box (black box‘ish book, splayed out in lower rt corner), looove all the thoughtful bookish gifts, can‘t wait to read *everything*, & already ate the donut candies 😁 Thank you so much for a bright ray of sunshine ☀️ on a very gloomy week. And I‘m so glad we #SFMBC‘d together!
#FebruaryFeels #WarIsHell
Fantastic flintlock/military/fantasy!
I mean...they snort gunpowder like cocain to gain special abilities like bending bullets or sniping from impossible distances. That's pretty badass.
The characters are engaging & the action is ri-friggen-diculous! There's also a 2nd trilogy after this one that is already complete called, God's of Blood & Powder. Haven't read it yet - waiting for the 3rd book to drop in TPB.
@Avanders Thank you so much for the thoughtful end to a great two years!!! What an awesome package! Total Alice overload! I love it! You have no idea how long I‘ve wanted the Alice pop up book & I cant wait to make some of the treats in the Literary Tea Party book. They sound delicious! I hope everyone enjoyed my book. I‘m excited to read your notes. (Sorry for the delay posting). #sfmbc #thereveal #endofanera
It took me a little to get into this book, but once I did I really enjoyed it. I appreciated how the author thought through a lot of typical time travel discrepancies and had them make sense. I'll be sending this back to you @cobwebmoth once I pick out some fun things to go with. @ReadingRover do you still have my book? @Avanders #SFMBC
So sorry for a belated post, @Chrys - thank you so much for this book I rec‘d this weekend!! I‘m super excited to check out the stories! I didn‘t even know this one existed!♥️♥️🥰♥️♥️
Also I tried to send my last #SFMBC & #cbbc pkgs to @ReadingRover & @BethM today, but the PO Box thing was so stuffed no more pkgs would fit inside. 😡 No more would fit inside, so unfortunately it will have to wait until tmrw or Wed when I can try again. So, soon!